Moscow Ring Road

Now a free and suitable for the construction of buildings, undeveloped land outside the Ring Road close, almost no left. Sly developers realizing that a separate road for the entrance to their facility construction cost too much, "of course it is absolutely deadly to their budget, and even physically impossible, as so seriously everything is sealed, as an independent road to build nowhere. So enjoy the 5 – 6 organizations, and with them residents of the highway designed for 1 or 2 objects. The presence of bulky and long trucks are among the causes of congestion, both in the vicinity, and on the Ring Road itself, is conditioned by the location near the ring road a large number of transport companies, freight terminals, and other transport and logistics terminals. All this a few times and so complicates the tense situation involving the exit and entry to the Ring Road. In addition, because of constant congestion highways near the Moscow Ring Road, own transport and construction companies are suffering financial losses. So, for example on long-large vehicle, carrying heavy or bulky goods may carry from 4 to 5 flights for the whole working day, a distance of 15 – 20 km. Despite the fact that the loading and unloading of the vehicle by means of lifting machines, and will be from 20 to 30 minutes. In real terms during the daytime, such services are carried out for 1, in rare cases for 2 flights. As a result many companies are rightly rejected such traffic during the day and carry them exclusively at night.