Infantile Maternal Health

Moreover, the health institutions had promoted the incentive to the programs of maternal aleitamento, as the method ' ' mother canguru' '. With the practical one of this, the decline of the time of hospital permanence of just been born the premature ones was observed. This was proven in studies that had demonstrated that interned 29% enter of just born in neonatais units that had tried the method ' ' mother canguru' ' , 23% had had high hospital precocious (SALIM and GOLALVES, 1991). How much the exposition of just been born to chupetas and artificial peaks, has not been recommended, since these intervene with the maternal aleitamento. Therefore, the programs of incentive to the maternal aleitamento are an important tool for the development of just been born the premature ones of low weight, since human milk contains indispensable nutrients to the feeding of these babies, guaranteeing the profit of weight of these and high hospital the precocious one. REFERENCES ABRO, A.C.F.V., H.F, MARIN and, GUTIRREZ M.G.R.

Use of the nursing diagnosis according to classification of the NANDA, for the systematization of the assistance of nursing in maternal aleitamento. Latin American magazine of Nursing. Ribeiro Preto, v. 5, N. 2, April of 1997. Available in: . Access in: 30 of October of 2010.

ALMEIDA, N.A.M., FERNANDES, A.G., ARAJO, C.G. Maternal Aleitamento: a boarding on the paper of the nurse in after-childbirth. Electronic magazine of nursing. Anpolis, v. 6, N. 3, 2004. Available in: . Access in: 14 of October of 2010 ANDRADE, I.S.N and GUEDES, Z.C.F. Suction of the premature just-been born one: comparison of the Mother-Kangaroo method with the traditional cares. Brazilian magazine of Infantile Maternal Health. Recife, v. 5, N. 1, January/March of 2005. Available in: . Access in: 10 of November of 2010. BRAGA, D.F., AXE, M.M.T and BOSI, M.L.M. Exclusive breast-feeding of just been born premature: perceptions and experiences of using suckling babies of a specialized public service. Magazine of Nutrition. Campinas, v. 21, N. 3, May/June of 2008. Available in: . Access in: 29 of September of 2010. THIN, S.E and HALPERN, R. Breast-feeding of prematures with less than 1500 grams: engine-verbal functioning and attachment. Reviewed Pr-Fono of Scientific Update. Barueri, v. 17, N. 2, May/August of 2005. Available in: . Access in: 14 of October of 2010.

Brazilian Lines Handbooks

The collected values had been classified in agreement the values of references stipulated in the examination biochemist of the laboratory where the respective examination was carried through. For the verification of the prevalence of using carrying nefropatas of arterial hipertenso, they had been collected given referring to the measurements of arterial pressure daily pay-dialysis and after dialysis of all the corresponding sessions the first fortnight of the February month. The interpretation if in accordance with gave to stipulated values according to V Brazilian Lines of direction of carried through Arterial Hipertenso in set for the Brazilian Societies of Nefrologia, Cardiologia and Hipertenso. After the approval of the study, the researcher if dislocated for the study place to have access to handbooks of the users, in order to select to whom they would be part of the sample. The collection of data occurred in 2 mornings of working days, for the fulfilling of specified forms. The research had as limitation, the lack of some results of examinations biochemists in handbooks, being then excluded of the sample. For analysis statistics of the data, these had been tabulated in spread sheets of the computational program Microsoft Office Excel 2007, where they had calculated if absolute and relative frequencies and had applied procedures of descriptive statistics.

The present study it had its project submitted and approved for the Committee of Ethics in Research of the related hospital where if it got the data. The collection of data was after initiated the approval of the present study for the related committee. RESULTS In the place of the collection for the data of this research had about 52 handbooks, from these, 20 had been excluded immediately, therefore the users had not completed one year of therapy of hemodilise. Of 32 remaining handbooks only 20 the examinations necessary biochemists, being thus, the total sample for this study had presented all.

General Surgeon

To strengthen our thought we appeal the Bruner (2005, P.2255): In June of 2001, the U.S General Surgeon Satecher published an intitled document The General Surdeon? s Call you the Action in the Sexual Promote Mealth and Sexual Responsible Beharrior. This document argues the impact of the sexually transmissible illnesses and other problems associates the lack of sexual responsibility on public health. This document praises educative actions developed by professionals of health based in scientific knowledge technician with objective to guide on the risks of sexually inadequate behaviors and to guarantee specialized jobs for the community. Boy Scouts pursues this goal as well. In this direction Breton and Opossum (2006), they designate that the educative performances if process the individual or collective level, developed in environments such as ambulatrias, basic units of health, schools or in the organized community. With this, these correlated actions must this with the primary prevention, as well as the aconselhamento of the patients infectados with ISTs, together with its partners thus one prevents new contaminations.

According to Brazil (1999), the care of nursing front to the carrying patient of the ISTs, becomes necessary one diagnosiss physician and a sindrmica boarding that has as goals to identify one or more syndromes quickly with intention to reduce the evolution of the illnesses and thus to prevent serious complications. Valley to stand out that the nurses can prescribe and apply medicines in agreement the protocol of the Health department, in accordance with the Law of Professional Exercise N. 7,498/86, of 25 of June of 1986, regulated for Decree N. 94,406, of 8 of June of 1987. One knows that the sindrmica boarding follows a flowchart instituted for the MS and for bigger recital of this our boarding SESAB (2005, p.23) assevera that: Such flowcharts consider the etiolgicas possibilities in each situation and consider an immediate intervention, excusing in the initial consultation, and/or interpretation of complex and delayed laboratoriais examinations.

Fashion Boots

Some boots are manufactured to walk for the city, while others harm its legs. Some models exist and styles for each occasion, depending on as you to choose its boot, you can leave wonderful its look. A pair of boots can combine with all its clothes, but it is necessary to choose the correct pair for the correct occasion. Boots of Ankle They are very high to be considered shoes, however they are lesser of what the normal boots. As well as the too much boots, them some colors and styles are manufactured in, as well as for each type of heel. Although they to be extremely short, nor all botinhas are recommended for all the types of woman. They are not recommended for women with thick ankles very, because the boots costumam to cover the inclination of the leg until the ankle, making that the ankle seems a mass accumulated in the foot. Unless you are a model, boots of ankles never must be used with polainas because the appearance goes to be disfigured; you go to seem small in low great on.

They with blazer or a short dress try to combine until the knee. Rain boots Lately, the rain boots, that before were only one accessory to protect itself of rain, are being created with alive colors, estilosos models and with attitude. The feminine rain boots are being manufactured of all the skills: with high pipes, average and short. The business is that this new trend of fashion is being reflected in its price, making with that the models are up to three more expensive times of what the conventional boots for rain. A good pair of rain boots costs 70 Reals on average and can be found in the majority of the store of footwear. The prices generally are higher at times of rain, but they start to be vendidas in the winter. You can have some difficulty to find they in the summer, but they are always available online. Remembering that, in the case of the rain boots, rule does not exist, since they serve in first place to protect its pezinhos of rain. Then, it abuses the color and the style and innovates!

General Surgeon

To strengthen our thought we appeal the Bruner (2005, P.2255): In June of 2001, the U.S General Surgeon Satecher published an intitled document The General Surdeon? s Call you the Action in the Sexual Promote Mealth and Sexual Responsible Beharrior. This document argues the impact of the sexually transmissible illnesses and other problems associates the lack of sexual responsibility on public health. This document praises educative actions developed by professionals of health based in scientific knowledge technician with objective to guide on the risks of sexually inadequate behaviors and to guarantee specialized jobs for the community. In this direction Breton and Opossum (2006), they designate that the educative performances if process the individual or collective level, developed in environments such as ambulatrias, basic units of health, schools or in the organized community. With this, these correlated actions must this with the primary prevention, as well as the aconselhamento of the patients infectados with ISTs, together with its partners thus one prevents new contaminations.

According to Brazil (1999), the care of nursing front to the carrying patient of the ISTs, becomes necessary one diagnosiss physician and a sindrmica boarding that has as goals to identify one or more syndromes quickly with intention to reduce the evolution of the illnesses and thus to prevent serious complications. Valley to stand out that the nurses can prescribe and apply medicines in agreement the protocol of the Health department, in accordance with the Law of Professional Exercise N. 7,498/86, of 25 of June of 1986, regulated for Decree N. 94,406, of 8 of June of 1987. One knows that the sindrmica boarding follows a flowchart instituted for the MS and for bigger recital of this our boarding SESAB (2005, p.23) assevera that: Such flowcharts consider the etiolgicas possibilities in each situation and consider an immediate intervention, excusing in the initial consultation, and/or interpretation of complex and delayed laboratoriais examinations.


One of the main problems of practises of the medicine sales is of pharmacies are the self-medication, since it does not have orientation or any control the medicines are consumed by pure indication. In the City of Empress the medicine sales can be verified are of pharmacies in the most diverse places, as markets and boards of ambulant, these medicines are stored and vendidos without any criterion and orientation regarding its use, therefore it does not have responsible druggist, thus being able, to contribute for the increase of the risk of poisoning of people for the self-medication. This article has for objective to verify if the medicines that are being vendidos outside of pharmacies are obeying the current law, giving approach to the storage places, the types of medicines, the forms of sales, the dates of validity and the origin of vendidos medicines. METHODOLOGY In the accomplishment of this article, had been used the methodology that encloses bibliographical research of field/, with the elaboration of questionnaires directed to proprietors controlling of the respective establishments you deal as: mercantile, mercearias that commercialize the calls ' ' Medicines of Livres&#039 Sales; '. The elaboration of the cited questionnaire was made by means of the consensus of the elaborators of the article, whom they had looked to enclose subjective questions I deal to it of free medicine sales destined in its majority to the population of little purchasing power, aiming at to clarify the pertaining mechanisms and artifices to the fiscalization, storages, fracionamentos and exposition of medicines. The attainment of the data of the research was through the answers of the questionnaires directed to some traders for parts of the researchers that had left in pairs that if had directed it strategical points of the cities of Empress and some pertaining surrounding cities the tocantina region. This research is of explorativa character and qualitative, since the intention and the main focus of the researchers are the clarification of the indifference of the competent authorities to the fiscalization deal of it parallel of these medicines and the risk that for happiness comes to cause the health of the population badly clarified on the consumption and self-medication of these frmacos.

The Patients

Of the convexity they can be linear, gotten depressed, or composed. The linear breakings are common and they do not require specific treatment. However, they are signals of alert, being able to be indicative of that the TCE had certain gravity. For this, the patient with this type of breaking must carefully be observed by 12 the 24 hours in the acute phase. Neurological examinations must periodically be made in this period, and deterioration of the conscience level or alterations to the physical examination can be indicative of the presence of intracraniano hematoma (SARAH, 2001).

The depressed breakings of the skull are fragmentos sseos dislocated for inside, compressing the underlying brain (ROWLAND, 2002). These breakings can determine lacerao of covering the external membrane of the brain or the fabric cerebral. The surgical treatment must be considered, over all if the depression will be greater that the thickness of the bone of the skull. Already the composed breakings are characterized by the lacerao of the bone. The treatment is essentially the same of the simple, linear breakings: adequate treatment of the cutaneous wounds with closing of the lacerao. The breakings of the base of the skull are more frequent e, as the linear breakings, are indicative of that the TCE was intense.

The signals that lead to suspect of breaking of the secular bone include perforation, auditory loss timpnica, otorria liqurica and face paresia. (ROWLAND, 2002). 2.3CONCUSSO CEREBRAL AND DIFFUSE INJURIES AXONIAIS cerebral Official corruption is the brief alteration of the conscience, less than six hours after the impact. The patients can be total unconscious or only stuned, she is common to present retrograde or antergrada amnesia how much to the event. The loss of the conscience happens through the transitory functional disorganization of the reticular system, caused by rotation forces acting on the cerebral trunk.

The Patients

Smeltzer and Bare, (2004) agree that the accomplishment of this stage does not offer to the patient great risk of infection, therefore the professional act as vector in the process of transmission of illnesses. The laudering of the hands is one practical one of simple asepsis that continues being the main form to prevent and to control the infections, without significant responsibilities for the institutions, beyond generating extensible benefits to those involved ones in the care process, having to configure itself as a habit that all the health professionals must carry through before and after any procedure, either invasive it or not. (GONALVES, 2009 apud GENZ, 1998; TIMBY, 1996) Gonalves, (2009), apud, Brazil, (2007), agree despite the laudering of the hands is essential in the hospital routine. The control of infections in the sector of health, englobando the practical ones of hygienic cleaning of the hands, concurs for improvement of the quality in the attendance and assistance for the customer and takes care of the legal and ethical requirements. The improvements of this practical are unquestioned, therefore it assists in the reduction of the morbimortalidade of the patients and also it reduces costs related to the treatment of the infectious pictures. In the item to explain the procedure to the patient, was gotten a percentage of 94,44% (17 technician) that they had not carried through the explanation to the patient.

He keeps the conscientious patient about the invasive procedure, facilitates the accomplishment of this, therefore the patient being calm the sanguineous vases presents itself dilatados congratulating the visualization of these diminishing the risk of errors in the handling. In the requirement to pave the gloves, was detected the percentage of 94,44% that it indicates the accomplishment of this stage. It stops Smeltzer and Bare, (2004) ' ' it prevents the exposition of the nurse to the blood of the patient and the patient and nurse to ltex' ' In the phase of election for the place of the puno, it was gotten 83, 33% (15 technician) had carried through correctly.