Volunteer Holiday

Reisen.de reported new eco concept environmental and nature protection are on everyone’s lips. As he also can be lived, show the so-called Earthships”(on German: Earth ships) in the desert of TAOs in New Mexico in the United States. Architect Mike Reynold created the independent Earth ships that can fend for themselves nearly 20 years ago. Learn more at this site: Center For Responsible Lending. They were built from old car tires, aluminum cans, glass bottles and pressed Earth. This civilization waste from cement is kept together. Meanwhile, there are worldwide over 1,000 of these autonomous Earth ships. As the Internet portal reported, visitors can learn about the concept and staying in this of eco houses civilization garbage.

The living entity, which the Spaniard’s Gaudi reminiscent of architecture, fit perfectly in the New Mexico desert landscape. More than 200 Earth vessels located on the outskirts of TAOs, is still enough room for another 100. To live close to nature but does not mean to abandon the comforts of the modern world: the Houses are equipped with TV and washing machine, stereo, computer and bathtub. Thanks to solar systems and photovoltaic, each ship of the Earth becomes self-sufficient. The “Greater world sustainable Community” would thus serve as a model for sustainable living and life.

Now, tourists have the opportunity to get to know this unique concept of Eartships: in TAOs different houses to the election. An overnight stay for two people costs $135. The houses are fully equipped with TV and Internet access. Who want to stay the whole week in the desert of New Mexico, pays $800. More information: magazine/showArticle/article/739 contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59 the University of first media GmbH markets successful German-language Internet portals in the travel sector as,, and. Also the University Service GmbH, appears as Tour operators on and auctioned trips the online auction via. Complementary products and services are offered in the areas of finance with and consumer information with.