Valery Belyakov

On average govnetsa be made from 80 to 100 tonnes per hectare. You can buy manure for a song – 3-4 grn. up to 1 m. However, came across lucky, which are generally merchandised organic fertilizer for free: Now we can easily find a deserted and filthy animal farms and contract purify it from the deposits of excrement. re of the situation. Heads of households in which there were such, sorry, dermohranilischa, more and pay extra volunteer cleaner.

Buy equipment, there is no need in any of nearby farms and there are tractors and plows and other equipment, which can be rented. The same lifting Plantage, and this is one of the most labor-intensive operations can cost 6-7 thousand uah. per 1 ha. monologue about stealing Director agri-producers' cooperative 'Emerald' Valery Belyakov: – to introduce something new, we must first provide the possibility of theft of the new. Therefore it is necessary to close the equipment under lock, protect it with reinforced concrete walls. And steal a lot and everything: count, wire, even hack the vines for firewood. We have one wire removed kilometers hundred. As a result, 10% of farm workers – the guards, it is 120 people.

But this does not save us from theft. Staff Viticulture – one of the most technologically sophisticated sectors of agriculture. And at the same time, it was in viticulture (reservation: in the former Soviet viticulture) actively commonly used manual labor. But it's not just manual labor, and skilled manual labor. Find professional growers are not so easy, they have long been found by other manufacturers.