Universal Description

The corporations also can use the Web Services to implement guided architectures the services, the Service-Oriented Architectures (IT SOUNDS). In this model of architecture, the main requirements turn services and are had access by other services, modularizando and increasing the cohesion of the components of the application. (PAMPLONA, 2005). Under this aspect it is clearly the concept of the technology Web Services: services offered for the Internet, where the use of open standards becomes possible to integrate components and applications of independent form of the used technology. (COAST GRANDSON et all, 2006). For the companies, the possibility to communicate services through the Internet is essential, in view of the New Economy that currently the market presents. Also known as ' ' Easy-To-Do-Business-With ETDBW' ' (Easy to make businesses with) or ' ' Economy of the Consumidores' ' , the New Economy imposes new rules to the market.

Hammer (2001, apud Fagundes, 2004) affirms that to get success in economy ETDBW the corporations must become its the most easy business possible its customers. They must look at the company of the point of view of the consumer, and the interaction between both must be cheap and simple. In short, the rules that the New Economy proclaims justify the use of Web Services well, capable therefore to make possible the different companies to work as if they were an only organism, propitiating the rise of the quality and the agilizao of the operations. (COAST GRANDSON et all, 2006). Promoting agility and efficiency in the communication it enters the chains of logistic production or. All and any communication between the systems starts to be dynamic and necessary, therefore it does not have intervention human being. To reach this communication, the Web Services counts on protocols and opened standards, as the Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) and the language Extensible Markup Language (XML), what it becomes possible to integrate components and applications of independent form of the platform or used programming language.