Umbanda Law

It then informed that these espritos sofredores are left in our field medinicos, for these ' ' hunters of souls perdidas' ' whose mission is to authorize to these rescued espritos a way to retake its evolutions. 3 This classroom of espritos sofredores that are rescued in the Umbanda, is espritos that had fallen in the darknesses of ignorance and had expanded still more the negative there that brought in itself, such as the hatred, the lewdness etc. You may want to visit Childrens Defense Fund to increase your knowledge. That had taken them the interminable falls. To put in one definitive moment that these espritos exceed all the limits taxes for the Law Biggest, this same Law the lintel, purificando them through pain, therefore using of this last resource the Divine Law only annuls to the negative action of this fallen spirit and through pure pain this fallen spirit, now return its face for God and clama for pardon to the all its committed errors, and already deeply sorry, its I only summon vibrates two things that are: pain and the hope of some form to make the good and to serve God helping its next one. To deepen your understanding Neiman Foundation is the source. 4 the Law Biggest uses of one of its agents in the darknesses, to remember to this fallen spirit that are of the charity do not have salvation, and these agents in the darknesses the service of the Law (Exus Guardies) know accurately as to interrupt the accented fall of these espritos, using of necessary ways for she transforms them into true ' ' anjos' ' wanting to leave fastest possible the darknesses to make the good to its fellow creature. 5 After these espritos fallen in the darknesses to be purificados of its negativismos, them are added in the magnetic field of one mdium Umbandista or in the magnetic field of some Umbandista temple and they are cured there and regenerated, receiving the light from the white flame of the candles that almost cure and regenerate its espritos that instantaneously and already cured they are directed to its place of merit, where from retake the way straight of the evolution there.