The Risk

The defeat of the nail plate may be accompanied by inflammation and skin lesions. Some, especially in people with weakened immune systems, it can appear on other sites – on the body, on the face. In addition, the fungus can penetrate the lymph flow in lymph nodes and localize there. That is why a special reception drugs – to suppress the activity of fungi and the impact of infection from the inside. And, of course, you fungal disease can infect your home.

– Who is at risk of fungal disease? – Firstly, people with heavy sweating foot: a fungus loves moisture and it multiplies quickly. Secondly, athletes: if they are frequent injuries the nail plate, power nail gets worse. Another category – people with diabetes, when, due to atherosclerosis and narrowing of blood vessels deteriorates powered nail patients with neurological symptoms But the risk of contracting also perfectly healthy women who pay attention to your nails and frequent nail salons. – Really now, it turns out that nail polish bad? – No, himself a manicure is absolutely safe if it is executed correctly. But many of their customers I have seen inflammation okolonogtevogo roller caused by cosmetic care, which caused the appearance of the fungus. – How? There is an anatomical structure, cuticle – this skin that covers the nail plate and covering the entrance of infection in the nail space. Often, this peel remove or lift with manicure.

It turns out that for the sake of beauty, we opens the door to infection. Especially the risk increases when the client goes through with the nails of paper in the office or performing household chores – is dealing with the dust. – Many people try to treat fungus folk remedies. What do you tell me about this? – Yes, for the treatment of fungus there are many folk remedies: they are for external use. And this is the main reason for their ineffectiveness. Fungus – a disease and therefore its treatment requires a comprehensive approach, which includes receiving antifungal agents. – But now in pharmacies sold a large number of antifungal drugs. – Funds purchased by choice, as a rule, do not bring the desired effect. Treating nail fungus must necessarily be assigned depending on the individual person. Much depends on the skin and nails, from heredity. In addition to the appointment system antifungal drugs, and sometimes recommend nutritional supplement, which improve blood circulation. In addition, patients are advised to take bath for the feet, their composition is selected separately for each. For independent home use, there are also creams and solutions – but they must appoint a physician. – Is it all so individually? – Yes, all individually, not only in the treatment of fungus, but in matters of care nails. There are certain standards that should look like nails. And these standards are often imposed: the women look like a manicure from others and try to repeat in his same. But whether it complies with their physiological and anatomical features? Everyone is talking about aesthetics, but each is an individual concept. Aesthetic look can only be absolutely healthy nails at rest: no gaping space between the skin and nails, no sore okolonogtevogo roller. Only a dermatologist can advise women how to care for their nails to be healthy.