The Priority

Only the women call it love, and men – respect. Do not believe me? That asked women from their princes? – Do you love me? A tough men from each other over a beer? – Do you respect me? Why if men do not ask about it in women? The remarkable fact: for some reason, conventional wisdom, the love of evil and to love for no reason about that, but respect must be earned. In fact, this is a disastrous mistake. It causes a vicious circle: the wife does not show respect for -> the husband can not express themselves and to realize, because he fears that his wife will despise more -> wife despises him even more -> trying to hide the pain, it is fenced off from her rudeness -> she despises him for his rudeness and expresses his contempt for abuse … Etc. Both want peace in the family, understanding and acceptance! Everyone screams about it in their own language! One does not hear the other, because that speaks a different language. It's a tragedy there is in almost every family, relationships with students, teachers, in the relationship business partners. What do you do? Husbands need to understand that most have come to expect their wives.

The man usually thinks so: "Well, what it is not enough? – Earn money, spend a weekend at home, even helping with the housework, and she … ". He does not understand that women in the priority list, all of these things is not the first place.