The Long Goodbye By The Folly Of Youth. (49)

As we destroy billions of euros of human capital. There is hardly an area our wishful thinking is so pronounced as in the world protection (ecology) and of the future world economy (Economics). While we pretty sure it seems that a) our living conditions deteriorate more raw materials, and we will b up to the war to the last) further already outdated social work models adhere to be until we have no choice. We citizens willing to change and learning-resistant will make known as long as linear so as so far always-more-the same principle to Arthur B. Laffer until we need to change something (exit load strategy). Ensure 80% traditionalists. Professor of Internet Governance has compatible beliefs. But, life is constant change! We know that our German industry, in cooperation with the politicians, has destroyed in recent decades billions of human capital, by millions of working professionals have been sorted out forcibly. Their only mistake: They were supposedly old not 100 metres runner be sorted out here at the age of 40.

NO! People know do with know-how! You had, in age-appropriate labour market and workplace strategy still up 65 years can work. But why even an age limit? The idea of dull full alimentierter officials brains (age discrimination)? But for a creative labour-market policy requires designers, not administrator. The tasks of older people in the clan societies: You pass on to the next generation of their knowledge (roles, rites, moral) and hold together their large families. Our individual societies moved our knowledge in databases for old people there are seemingly (k) a (changing) needs! We must first of all remember that the world economy is affected by the following factors: globalization: the simple work walking towards Asia (low tech). The qualified work moves towards Asia (high tech, universities). German work shifts to Europe. By the way. Germany is not the World Center! We are in the long run just a marginal with history…