
With active listening we created a climate of confidence and receptivity, and most important, we perceived the needs of the client. In order to realise active listening correctly we must: 1. – To be conscious of the other, to concentrate themselves in the message and the gestures. 2. – To kindly watch at the eyes of the client, making clear that him listening. 3. – To observe and to interrogate the meaning of the words that are saying to us. 4.

– To support verbally, without interrupting the speech of the client, with expressions like: if, already, clearly, already I see 5. – To ask to animate the communication. An interesting question demonstrates that we are listening. For more specific information, check out Kidney Foundation. 6. – To detect the words and ideas keys and to write down them. 7.

– To feed back in summary, that is to say, to summarize with our words the main ideas of the message of the client. On the other hand, we must avoid the damages, the filters, the emotional alteration and the physical barriers. Chapter 5: Inquiry of the needs of the client the gestures of the client In all process of communication we have to have present that 70% of the communication are corporal, 20% of the communication come marked by the tone from the voice and only a 10% by the words or the content. Due to it, we must give a great importance to him to the gestures that our interlocutor realises. Next you will find a series gestures and which is its meaning: Annoyance: blow on the table, to aim with the finger, to close the fists strongly. Defense: arms or legs cruzados. Distrust: to watch towards a side, to touch the ear. Nervousness: to clear one’s throat, to cover the mouth when speaking. Decision: to incline on the table, hands on the hip. Concentration: to support expensive on the extended forefinger, to touch the chin.

Foundation Wisdom

Every one is free to think and to feel under which many call " it frees albedro" , reason why my desire is not that they create in the existence of UFOS or extraterrestrial beings, the unique thing that attempt is that each of us is able to turn around towards the sky and who we pruned to analyze our life through present which we lived day to day, to try to understand which is the distance between us and " that belleza" so that we pruned to feel which is the intention of our existence and what as much we are fighting so that he is harmonic and happy. We contribute our energy for the change For this reason, this so significant year by the events that will arrive, is the perfect one to prepare to us towards the change of year 2012. We cannot let pass the opportunity to generate love and harmony at such levels that we pruned to transform intentions of which is in the dark of hatred and the lack of affection. Even though it is heard fantastic, is possible, if all we united the force greater than it exists, that is the force of the love. Contributing our energy of change will be an action that will be united more to many and than it will generate the force that this planet needs. I hope that all this is a spark that ignites a small light in the hearts of each and that can illuminate that way of the heart that all we have. That light activates in our fight to know and to know more each of us so that the ignorance takes step to the wisdom, that is the one that will help us to unite us to our reality of Love and Harmony with our surroundings and the infinite and beautiful Universe Before finalizing, I want to during the past few years be thankful for deeply all the support received on the part of all you, our friendly faithfuls and companions of the heart. Thanks to all and to fight yet the love of our hearts by a world again better! Rocha flora Foundation Wisdom of the Heart Original author and source of the article.

General Assembly

This change occurs by experiences and events that take to the reflection of the human being about the environmental reality in which it lives. The actions take to a new form to act and to obtain values towards an ecological ethics. In this it is where is the importance of the Education for the sustainable development. 2. Education for the sustainable development the General Assembly of the United Nations declared the period of 10 years included between 2005 and 2014 Decade of the United Nations of the education with a view to the sustainable development (Resolution 57/254 of the general Assembly of the United Nations in 2002). The governments of the entire world are invited to take advantage of the Decade to integrate the education with a view to the sustainable development in the strategies and national plans of action regarding the education at all the appropriate levels. Within this decade subjects will treat keys for the equation for the sustainable development, between which they emphasize reduction of the poverty, equality of sexes, promotion of the health, rural transformation, rights of the man, intercultural understanding and durable peace, production and consumption, cultural diversity, mass media, technologies of information and communication, and protection of the environment. 2,1 Subjects keys in the decade for the sustainable development With respect to the last subject, that it comprises of the subjects keys that will be approached during the decade of the education for the sustainable development (2005 -2014), in which it corresponds to the protection of the environment, it mentions that economic nor social development could not subsist long term on a polished planet. In center of the education with a view to the maintained development the efforts are placed to make include/understand the interdependence and the fragility of the systems that maintain the life on the planet and the capital of natural resources that are indispensable to the humanity.

Globalisation Industrialization

The true success of the globalisation will be determined insofar as the same allows to enjoy to each person the basic goods food and house, education and use, peace and social progress, economic development and justice. Juan Pablo II Introduction says, that there is a world-wide market, a culture of global masses, but National States persist, and as they have been debilitated enough by the neoliberal policies, the globalisation can be seen as its integrity and for its foundation threatens even that is the culture. For all student of administrative science, and so that it that interests the repercussions to him that have derived from the Globalisation, its incidence in some economy, in the culture, cannot be unknown what the Globalisation has come carrying out. Of our interest to enter us in its reach there, which represents. Majorities, basic considerations Not can to ignore, what represents the Globalisation in the world-wide scene, as well as industrialization for the conquest of new markets, the positioning of all those products and services that guarantee gains and consolidation of the great companies, especially in the developed countries, in the great economic blocks, all this thanks to the weaknesses of the countries nondeveloped, especially those that have stayed and follow employees in import of technology, as the specific case that the one of Venezuela concerns, that in the present payment a serious price on the matter, a cost that significantly affects the Venezuelan. We know that one has commented, that the globalisation would consist basically of an extension of the market until constituting itself in space common to guide the production, the interchange, the distribution and the consumption of goods and services between the countries and inhabitants worldwide. The important thing is to evaluate how it affects the culture of each involved country, as they operate the cultural industries. It is important to emphasize in the analysis, that in the Latin American debate (published by the Andres Magazine Beautiful) east world-wide phenomenon has been analyzed worse two ways: they consider that it is in danger which we are (or rather what we go being and producing through the cultural industries), that is to say, ours cultural particularitity, before the globalisation of certain hegemonic other people’s cultural models.

Paid Surveys

Wherever you nowadays go, you will see an announcement that offers to pay to him by its opinion in cash. It is a survey or a paid group of opinion, the idea is the same – the companies of market studies want their free opinion and are arranged to give effective and merchandise him so that you pass his time answering his surveys. In this article, we will review the most frequent questions on the paid surveys. Center for Responsible Business has compatible beliefs. What is a paid survey? A paid survey, or survey of investigation of market, is a series of questions that are presented/displayed to an individual or group of people, to see as they perceive and they respond to certain products or services. Each person falls in some type of demographic category (separated segments of population by age, sex, income, etc.), to which certain products are directed. For example, the athletic equipment can be promoted towards young and physically active people, while the luxury cars can be directed towards people with higher income. These surveys in line is offered free of charge like means to understand certain markets better. What is a Focus Group? Focus Group is another type of survey where a group of individuals is invited to discuss certain subject related to the company that sponsors the Focus Group.

You can or not to know the point the discussion and they are realised generally by a moderator who will guide the discussion. These Focus Groups can be realised in physical locations or in line and usually they delay between 30 minutes and 2 hours. The compensation varies from 10 dollars to 250 dollars, depending the subject and the involved time. Why my opinion is so important? The companies spend hundreds of thousands, if new or existing nonmillion dollars in publicity for products and services. These advertising campaigns can sometimes be a complete cost of time and money if the company does not investigate the market that tries to capture.