
We all play … tennis against a wall connection with the creation of the Creator is like a game of tennis against a wall. Graduate Management consistently: good and doeth good the Creator is constant in its relation to all of us. Changes can occur only to us, although we think that they occur outside of us. … When we see before us a huge world – we are seeing is not reality, but only within themselves.

That is, in the back of our brain is a kind of like the camera, which draws it all, seen by us, not something that is beyond us. … In our minds there is a kind of lens, turns everything visible by us, so we can see it from the outside, regardless of our brain located in front of us. And although what we see around us, is not reality, this lens allows us to see and comprehend all that is in us, as if out of us, gives us the power to examine every thing, getting the full knowledge and clarity measure each subject from the inside and outside – and here is the foundation of all our knowledge. And with regard to knowledge of divine wisdom. Despite the fact that all the changes taking place inside the shower, the person feels the changes in the Source their feelings, in the Creator – and that way get knowledge about conception of creation. How it all, seen by us, is just inside our brains and souls, despite the fact that all the images they see in the source, yet they have no no doubt that all of this – just within them, and not to the giver. In essence, you play with myself and get a response in accordance with its own noise and confusion.

All of this – you. All changes occur within a person who is against the absolute love and bestowal. He always sees only himself, analyzes and perceives itself. All that we feel – is the realization Reshimot in high society. And the whole reality of man – in fact, the game tennis against a wall. And we always play against the wall. Playing in one of the gates!

Great Planes

In this case the mind is connected to the new program, which has become the leading one. The human brain is included in the new mode of operation, subject to the highest commands in search of the ultimate goal, which is merger with the Spirit, that is, it is the search of his spiritual path and purpose. From the book "Transient and Eternal" All the civilizations of the universe Svetokodirovanie Maleon before they were conceived of as the Creator for biorobots service to God and His Sons in the knowledge of life in the lower Great Planes of the Cosmos. In the process of various civilizations, it became clear that at these lower "orbits" of the space available the spiritual life of the cosmos. It was then decided find a form that could reflect both external and internal state, as well as energy form of the Creator and the Creator of Worlds: – that it reflect the laws of the trinity, and was manifested essence of all processes in the universe – to internal form (thin body) reflects the spiritual life – to the external form (physical body) is an expression of the foundations of life, frame, foundation, on which all things above – set them to was to reveal a multi-dimensional creature, ready to serve God and become his employee. This is a very bold plan was revealed to him who is the head of the Pyramid Hierarchy of Light. This is – His dream, which is carried out by children of all generations. David Bershad New York is a great source of information. .

Pico Books

The founder of the Christian Kabbalah has become one of the most interesting representatives of the Renaissance, Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494). Christian Kabbalists seen in Kabbalah revelation by which to comprehend the mysteries of Pythagoras and Plato. With this Kabbalah, which existed until 18 century, is also related to the name of a Christian mystic Boehme. After work De Arte Cabalistica (The Art of Kabbalah") in 1517 by Christian mystic Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), Pope Leo X recognized the value and usefulness of the Christian Kabbalah. In particular, Reuchlin showed the unity of God's name, a great love for God, arguing that the Messiah is referred to in Kabbalah – Jesus, though Jews and did not recognize him as the Messiah. His book has become fashionable among the aristocracy and clergy, as a form of occultism, without fear of accusations of witchcraft and heresy. The library's contemporary Pico della Mirandola, Pope Sixtus IV, There were many Kabbalistic works. Lurianic Kabbalah has spread to Poland and became the basis of the birth and development of Hasidism.

Many Christian scholars have been studying the Kabbalah, some of their ideas reflected in the doctrine of the Trinity. Popes did not see the contradictions between the Lurianic Kabbalah and Christianity. In contrast to the Lurianic books, the Talmud, Maimonides and other books by the Inquisition accused of slandering the Christians of heresy and burned inquisitors. Some historical sources say that by supporting the spread of Kabbalistic literature, the pope wanted to attract Jews to baptism! And they were not mistaken.

Emperor Hadrian

Adrian ordered to seize the Rashba and execute him as Rabbi Akiva and – on the square in front of all that fear and know that there is only one authority, and it is the power of Rome. Rashba searched all the roads Jews, but could not catch. Bypassing all the Roman office, he and his son Elazar away from his pursuers to the north of the country. Cave in the village Pkiin Rashba and his son have taken refuge in the Galilee, in a small, smelling of damp cave near the village of Pkiin. They lived there for 13 years, devoting all his time to in-depth study of the mystery of science. Without going back to the ground, even for a moment, their thoughts were torn up, the truth hidden behind the five spiritual worlds. For food, father and son enough carob and spring water from a nearby source. Sensation of hunger was not – there was a feeling of happiness on the proximity of objectives, from the constant apprehension of more and more spiritual level.

In a cave the last 13 difficult and happy years. He died the Emperor Hadrian and the Rashba and son received the news of the abolition of the death sentence handed down to them. They emerged from the cave other – ready to tell the world the way to the light. The book is already being felt by them, left her just write. Along with ten students Rashba retired to a cave on Mount Meron, and with them wrote a book "Zohar" – the main book of Kabbalah.