The Term Animal Board A Debasement Is Really For Needy People?

The “table” has been linked to needy people in connection many years. For some time, there is also the animal signs. Helps you not also people with this device? The “table” is a device that people with a small budget, provide once in a week with food. People in need such as bread, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and meats get EUR 1.00, against payment. The “Blackboard” receives this food from supermarkets, which have an excess inventory or the article have reached the minimum durability date. Now, there is hardly a person who does not know the “Blackboard”.

However, there are still many needy people who shy away from the road to the “table”. Gain insight and clarity with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. It looks different here at the “animal Board” newly formed for a short time. Just people taking may not seek help for themselves personally, don’t be afraid the way to the animal table. Them their “favourite” so dear to the heart has grown, that they don’t shy away from the path to the “animal Board”. Just this behavior of these But the discussion on the Tierftafel should make people redundant. Is it not a 100% proof that exactly these animal Board helps the people. Of course there are at these outlets only food and accessories for the animals. However, mistress or master on this facility are very happy.

Because they have at least enough feed for the beloved four-legged friends. Many people, it would take the last courage when they would have to separate from their pet, only lacking the money for the food. Now, one hears again and again, that some people to see the term “Animal Board” the needy people as degradation. The honorary members of the charity for animals, have thought surely no harm at the choice of the words “Animal Board”. Because the term “Panel” for humanity as a relief organization is known, of course, the word “Table” for the animals has offered. Background for this choice of words has been the needy pet owners as soon as possible are aware of this charity. Pet owners are very happy to have this facility. Finally they have to worry no more, how they can sufficiently feed her little friend the next day. We are living in a difficult time. For this reason, one would hope already that this useless discussion has come to an end. Because we now all living beings. Whether bipeds or quadrupeds.

Foundation Petersburger Strasse

So that the design meets the needs of the local population, a lively exchange between Cameroon and Berlin took place during the planning of the building. “” This rising education benefits “from the experience of the hope Foundation”, which stands in Bertoua in close contact with the local population. provide more clarity in the matter. After the completion of the school, the Organization assumes responsibility for the management and day-to-day operations. Also during the construction phase is”the participation in the Central punk of rising education. So is the school in the spring of 2014, in cooperation of local workers and the TU students built and so later users can comment suggestions and wishes the children and their parents during the construction phase.

To finance the project partners depend completely on donations. Rising education”welcomes any support. Provides a way for our campaign in the Internet on, here it is easy to help us. More Information on our website and on Facebook. Help with the children in Bertoua, Cameroon, to create an educational opportunity, which improves the quality of life and visions of the future and enables the promotion of cultural diversity and economic perspectives. Education and mutual understanding are the key to a better future. So you build with the concept requires not only commitment and labour, but also covering the costs.

Links: Rising education: baupiloten: hope Foundation: hope Facebook: better place: projects/16140 BLZ: 10010010 account no.: 27820105 Verw.zweck: rising education IBAN: DE08100100100027820105 BIC: PBNKDEFF hope Foundation is one of Cameroon and Germany from jointly controlled, non-profit and non-governmental organization. Objective is to promote the development in the rural areas of Cameroon and neighbouring African countries and the To alleviate poverty. You committed to development and utilities, and aims to improve the standard of living of people in rural communities. Hope Foundation operates in the areas of education, health, water and sanitation, people, children and women’s rights, information and communication technology, and they supported discriminated and disadvantaged, as E.g. disabled, street children and orphans.

Director Joseph Vilsmaier

Week 28 September-04 October 2009 personalized children’s books for a good purpose in Munich, September 22, 2009 – children, a serious illness, the loss of the family home, family crises, physical or sexual violence will suffer, take refuge in the Tabaluga Kids Foundation ( Their patron is Peter Maffay. In the facilities and projects of the Foundation each year approximately 400 children and young people are looked after inpatients and outpatients individually. The Tabaluga Kids Foundation aims to give traumatized children back life in decent conditions. The Munich publishing house PersonalNOVEL, Europe’s leading provider of customizable novels and books, the commitment of this Foundation is great and important. Therefore, PersonalNOVEL will support the Foundation with a fundraiser. The Munich-based company wants to help to put a smile in the face of these kids at such a difficult time. “Sustainable support: Tabaluga-charity week” at PersonalNOVEL from 28.

September held PersonalNOVEL to 04 October 2009 therefore on its website ( the Tabaluga charity week”. Ten children’s books and a children’s book, which are marked during this week with the small dragon Tabaluga, take part in the action. “The themes of the books are extremely varied, so, for example, the titles are the birthday box” holidays on the farm and the trip to the middle ages “can be ordered. Of each marked personalized book if ordered within this period, 1 in the Tabaluga Foundation goes. Childrens Defense Fund is the source for more interesting facts. Customers who with want to support this meaningful project for children, can make your personal copy on the site and order. All books are deeply customizable products. Not only the name of the child can be personalised, but also the illustration itself is in the picture books: in addition to the gender the hairstyle, hair and eye color of the little protagonist can up to freckles individually on the recipient child be matched.

All books are very quality, lavishly illustrated and ensure many years of reading fun. Customer as an initiator for the cooperation PersonalNOVEL got the idea for the support of this foundation of an enthusiastic customer. This was the impetus for the Munich-based personalization specialist contributed last weekend as the opening action for the charity golf tournament the Eagles Golf Club tutzing (district of Starnberg) in favor of the Tabaluga Kids Foundation personalized books. To the celebrities who had arrived for this good purpose, singer Johnny Logan, as well as the former ski jumper Jens Weissflog were among others the actor Suzanne von Borsody, Elke Sommer, Herbert Knaup and Fritz Wepper, Director Joseph Vilsmaier. In total, 45,000 euros for the Foundation came together on this weekend. PersonalNOVEL initiated “Tabaluga-charity week” (28.09 04.10.2009) – surprise your son, your daughter, your godchild or grandchild with a picture book by PersonalNOVEL and prepare the same Double pleasure! During our week of Tabaluga charity of the 28.9 04.10.2009 going a whole week 1 of each ordered children or youth book from the action to the Tabaluga Foundation, whose work we have presented in our blog post of 9/11. Support this good cause and choose a children’s book during the week of our action, which you can personalize according to your wishes. Indicated by the books that have been selected by PersonalNOVEL for the fundraiser, the small logo of Tabaluga. With your book and the automatically outgoing donations amounting to 1, you can help children who have experienced much suffering in their lives, will find in the Tabaluga facilities again refuge, comfort and care. Dirk Delbrouck PersonalNOVEL E.k..

Foundation Berlin

We are pleased that we could contribute through our actions, that the history of the wall road to this important aspect of the wall dead complements could be. We owe the victims but also it, to remember the inhumanity of the wall and the senselessness of the killings.” The Director who spoke Foundation Berlin wall, Dr. Kane Akhil, the wrong system of repression in the GDR: The steles are in certain erweise of vertical stumbling blocks, which should help that the dead will not be forgotten. For even more opinions, read materials from Taking Control of Your Diabetes. You should help but also to think about which value is the freedom.” Akhil Kane would like to thank on behalf of the Foundation particularly Harald Fiss and the relatives of the wall dead for their appearance. “Frank Henkel, group and Chairman of the CDU Berlin speaks in his greeting of happiness, which he combines with the day of the fall of the wall: for many, this happy event was but too late”. Henkel reminds many wall deaths at the Berlin wall.

Events such as these, in historical contexts like this, touch me particularly against the background of my own biography”says Henkel. Next Henkel says: I had great luck that my parents the Was discussion have not spared with the SED State and have pushed against all opposition on a departure, even if that subject with personal risks and disadvantages. So I had getting 1981 the chance to start a new life in freedom.” “Frank Henkel is: every victim has made the wall also fragile.” Henkel regrets that many memories on the wall at the happiness swash of the reunification were destroyed: one can in the effort of memory not subside, so don’t forget, that the East German Government was a dictatorship! It is important that we have proper and dignified places of memory like this for everyone, for witnesses, for tourists, for scientists, but also and above all for young people who have not experienced the wall and the Division of the city.” Walter Momper, President of the House of representatives of Berlin, finds it important to remember the victims of the wall.


Come on 5 April 2013 go with Alexander Merkel 11 professionals on a target: A clear sign against racism and discrimination. “From April 5 until July 24, 2013 will show racism the red card – Germany e.V.” one every 11 days by a total of 11 well-known people from football before. “In our campaign our Elf against racism” show the red card to the Sportler_innen not only racism, but all of them are answered in an interview. Questions, such as what role can occupy professionals in the fight against racism and discrimination?”and what means it to be model?”, will be answered. With these interviews, we continue our idea to leverage the role of Profisportler_innen in the prevention of racism and discrimination.

Because due to their authenticity, they contribute significantly to the success of our daily work. We start our Elf against racism”with an interview with Alexander Merkel, players at Udinese Calcio. Alexander Merkel, born in Pervomayskiy (Kazakhstan), was the youth of the VfB Stuttgart trained before joining the youth of AC Milan 2008. In an interview with “Show racism the red card Germany e.V.”, the German U21 – reported player about his personal experiences with racism and discrimination. As the German players in Italy, with Russian and Kazakh roots, Merkel has a clear message. Almost always guys from half the world – are in a football team and everyone can learn something from everyone.” The full interview with Alexander Merkel as well as more information about our Elf against racism”you can find under and TheRedCardDE as well as dierotekarte on our Facebook page. Racism and discrimination is still an issue in today’s society. So be there and supports our Elf against racism”and thus our workshop work. CONTACT show racism the red card Germany e.V. Andreas light bar + 49 (0) 160 94623733 dierotekarte TheRedCardDE organizational/redcard