New Family

How to get along with new family members to get to know your parents to the groom or bride – a necessity. After all of this will depend on your further life together. Nowadays, things are not as in previous generations, when she married a neighbor with a similar upbringing and religious beliefs. This helped the bride and groom to understand what behavior is expected of them (for example, whether to call their parents by name and patronymic, trying to join the family, or – Mom and Dad). You do not avoid confusion, if the bride and groom – come from different cities or countries! It is therefore very important to discuss with his second half theme of family, culture, religious beliefs and customs before you put a stamp on your passport. Because, as they say, you are communicating not only with his elect, but also with his whole family! Plus, the parents of your groom or the bride – it’s the people who raised him (her) and knew them better, you’ll understand what behavior you expect from him in your new home. In addition to the already-formed traditions in your families, you should take care of their own, new abutments for your young family.

Should think twice before making any either negative toward relatives of your chosen or chosen one. The main rule is if you do not want to hear bad against their loved ones, do not say crap in towards him / her. Ask your future relatives of the first meeting and at the bottom of their wedding, take a couple of compliments – believe me, they will appreciate your interest and attention. The bride should invite parents in his favorite guests on a cup of tea. This will serve as a gesture of inviting them into their lives, and will be a great opportunity to know her better. A great step for the bride to get close with his future mother-in to ask her about their family recipes.

Mom your husband will definitely be grateful for what you want to cook the dishes to her son that he truly loves. As it is necessary to help her in the kitchen when you wake them away. Postoraytes join the family, such as helping younger sister of your husband with homework. And if your in-law / father-in-love football, you can coax him share his interest in his favorite team. And even better if you get some match tickets for the joint campaign. Lift up the phone and call just to say hello and ask how to do. Especially during the preparations for the wedding. Mom your vote will appreciate the attention, especially if the son, as a rule, calls it is not often. At first, you should position the neutral point of view in discussions of your new family members to avoid conflict with someone else’s hand. You will still be plenty of time that would have their say. Finally, but not final – let parents know how much you love their precious child!