Covering Non-woven

Please pears to apples compare an order from the customer to get is good, better however, subsequent orders resulting from satisfied customers. People such as BSA would likely agree. A dirty construction site which is improper or equipped also with no surface protection for the trade (painter/plasterer/flooring), leaves a good impression on the client in the rarest of cases. Only some of the damage that can occur when using false covers the floor are water stains, discoloration, quirks, scratches, bad pigmentation, etc.. These problems to avoid, should the processor is not necessarily rely on the cheapest cover fleece, because what many people don’t know is, that there significant differences in quality, form + weight, color and scope is. 1. quality nor how you can compare apples with pears, so can you also cover fleeces do not have a comb scissors.

Often, cheap painter fleece now often comes from low-wage countries such as China and Eastern Europe. In the first moment seems to make no difference the origin, but you look at the quality up close, so the following is striking when compared to the cover fleece of the company protect & cover “Made in Germany”: the applied film is often a recycling film, is not a solution – and Verdunnungsmittelbestandig. All products equipped with slides, cover & vonProtect have a new film (Losungsmittelbestandig). Cheap cover Nonwovens is the foil laminated not fully but only selectively bonded, so it can be pulled off so easily of the fleece and the danger of slippage. One is all cover fabrics protect & cover-slip new film fully secure laminated, this (if you want to separate the film from the fleece, destroy the painter fleece). The partially only 1-2 x needling in the manufacture of recycled fibres, causes easy cheap fleece a restless surface, a low abrasion resistance and thus increased Lint and fiber fly due to static charge (with freshly painted Surfaces a disaster).