Religious Congregation Salesiana

After some years, (in the end of the decade of 60), this education directed toward the men she was breached, since she started to exist the mixing education, however still yes the women were in a section restricted and moved away from the men. Nieman Foundation understands that this is vital information. (We did not have a necessary information, if since the start the college was or not particular, since in the current days the college is had as one of most expensive of Belm, also we do not have as it informs the accurate time in which the college functions with basic and average education). 3.1 – Dom Bosco ours dom is to educate Founding and Father of the Salesiana Family Bosco Joo was born in the Colle of the Becchi, in the Piemonte, Italy, a locality next to Castelnuovo de Asti (now calls Castelnuovo Dom Bosco.Foi it who ordered the salesianos to establish the College Santa Rosa in Niteri, first salesiana house of Brazil, and the 2 secondary school Heart of Jesus in So Paulo. He still created the Association of the Cooperadores Salesianos. Prodigy of the divine Step, the Workmanship of Dom Bosco it is all a poem of faith and charity. Consumed for the work, she closed the cycle of its terrena life to the 72 years of age, the 31 of January of 1888, leaving the Religious Congregation Salesiana spread for diverse countries of the Europe and America.

Although the years that separate the present of the time where Dom Bosco, its love for the young lived, its devotion and its pedagogical inheritance come being transmitted for men and women in the entire world. Today Dom Bosco if detaches in history as the great saint Mestre and Pai of Youth. Although it has made to reverberate for the world its charisma and preventive system of salesiano, that is based on the Reason, the Religion and the Goodness, Dom Bosco remained during all its life in Turim, in Italy.

Solar System World

A Common Place to visit ' ' The presence itself if carries through on a deep essential of absence, therefore we only are next to us being between the things and with outros' '. (Chau, 2002:23) Today, I discovered a special place pra if to visit. Here between us, interesting place is what not lack of So Paulo, the Visconde de Mau, of Belm Brasilia, Venice Canada. We find many baffling, exotic, colorful places stops embrenhar in them. The globalizado world does not present more borders. If you will have a good dose of adventure sense and money the Solar System can be its limit.

I heard to say that NASA around has special excursions of the Moon and who knows of some planet of not yet known, total, Solar System. By the way, different places if to know are the chamaris of the alternative routes to the mass tourism. Recently, I knew a person, a type of known aura, that soon makes in them to feel in house, then we are friends. The coincidences of gostos, vision of world, politics had been as much and of feelings that if were not for the homosexual preference, I would say that I had found my soul twin. The places are many, the people and the cultures that we visit how much we have a fraternal attitude stops with the world. The different, but so equal conviviality of we, the possibility to dive in the life of the other, one another different one of me. Of living its pains and pleasures and if leaving to be guided by this unknown hand, in the base of the confidence, if allowing to be presented the distant worlds of which if it could not have access if it did not have this delivery in the ones of the one well bigger family of what that one that we earn to the rising.