Romanticism Returns

golden age Romanticism Gets or "physics" and "Lyrics" immortal theater of the absurd life around us is not new, but in its own way, original. In one form or another it always was. Now, one-sided bias towards the deification of life technological advances and life, and peculiar and not without a certain appeal. Human life in this fenced off the world is definitely interesting as a new stage of struggle and survival. But, as taught by history and reality shows, with On the one hand – another "Atlantis", on the other – the natural world. In the middle – a man restless, seeking a foothold. Us deviators have much to think and do even more in favor of parity relations enclave of human and nature.

Search for a middle ground – no longer a distant goal, but a vital reality. In such circumstances, attempts to overcome one-sided rationalism and modeling of an integrated, harmonious personality acquire special significance. This topic has aggravated the difficult, transitional moments of social life and cultural development. Sprang a new look at the world of art, per person. There is a new style, known as romanticism.

There were other names according to age, but the essence remains the same. The primacy of poetry over prose, dreams over reality, a sense of the mind – its main features. The term "Romanticism" has arisen in Europe at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. This ideological and artistic movement has replaced the ideology of the "Enlightenment", has arisen as a consequence of frustration of the and all the progress in general.