Paris Exposition

As a preliminary note: Thing that follows is the second part of article published in this same if Uncle with the title by a DECONCENTRATION demographic ARGENTINA in a previous development, argued that our considerations about alternatives of demographic deconcentration in Argentina, passing through diversified variants that take as a given, the system of existing human settlements resulting from the evolution of the countrypromoting quantitative changes from very high population density to the lowest density settlements. And do so taking into account the ability to support natural resources existing in the settlements or in their vicinity. According to the preceding paragraph we believe appropriate, describe the profile of human settlements that we have been traveling for almost more than four decades. According to PCRM, who has experience with these questions. These intense experiences are those that allow us to exceed the invisibilities noted above. But that concealment is relative, since we have been complementing our experiences with the analysis of many studies and documentation feeds them and reinforce our convictions.

Clear it, that this documentary mass, despite being available, does not circulate fluently by the mass media of communication, nor by academic and consultoriles media. In a development such as this, it is inevitable resort to loops that we refer to statements made earlier. Similarly we must refer to our own work, whose listing and some of its contents are accessible on the website, but let’s get to the level of mere description on the basis of the experienced. It is very evident that Argentine human settlements system was configured by the deployment of the network rail telegraphic. Further details can be found at Alona Tal, an internet resource. It is very enlightening consulting three maps that mark the start, the exponential leap and the maximum level reached: is the map made by Martin de Moussy, to be presented at the Paris Exposition in 1869; map edited by Peuser House in 1913, and edited by the Ministry of transport of the nation released in 1950.

Rights Human Ffyl Uba

SCHOOL year 2010 activities class INAUGURAL La Catedra Libre of human rights at the Faculty of philosophy and letters invites you to the opening act of his 16th second academic cycle which will take place on Friday, April 23, at 20 hours. Lecture by MARCELO FERREIRA, Professor of the Chair: judgments to REPRESSORS. ABOUT memory and justice in ARGENTINA’s BICENTENNIAL Musical closing: Group JACARA Friday 23 of April 20 hs. Classroom 108 Puan 480 forums of DEBATE Friday from 19.30 to 22.30 hours classroom 129Los topics to discuss in the forums are fixed in next to their realization dates) Friday, April 23: opening ceremony of the 16th cycle academic conference in charge of Marcelo Ferreira closing Musical: Group Jacara date to be confirmed: presentation of the book the abortion debate, contributions to a discussion pending the journalist Mariana Carbajal Fecha to confirm: They querellan in Argentina by the Xenocidio Galician campaign yesterday by us today by ye seminars: Seminar: introduction to human rights charge Marcelo Ferreira – Professor of the Chair- and team docenteLunes and Friday from 17 to 19 hs. 129 Classroom course and free introduction and objectives: the objective of the seminar is to promote a comprehensive vision of the problem of human rights in their various aspects. To this end proposes a dynamic exhibition, debate and criticism, through the exchange of ideas with students of different races. The analysis model to apply intends to accommodate the various dimensions of the subject of analysis, and promote the historical contrast between the own of the foundational stage of human rights thinking and the realities of the 21st century, opening up Riverbed to questions about modern ills, social danger, morality and authority over human rights, the desirable world and the possibility of universal justice. A) introductions: The theme is approached from five introductions: pre-teorica, theoretical, historical, legal and philosophical.The preteorica introduction aims to reflect on the basic concepts in function of an analysis model inspired by the structure of a theatrical play, to discriminate between protagonists, victims, villains, stage and tragedy, in detriment of the traditional legal categories and dogmatic model that inspires them.

ICU Days

The word most repeated by doctors to the family is the stability of the right-handed. There is no protocol of possible interventions for the next few days. The Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano takes three days without fever, although continues in the ICU of the Hospital Virgen Macarena of Seville, awaiting that in the coming days to operate you ankle, which would confirm that their State has entered a phase of improvement, explained this Sunday a family member of the right-handed. The word most repeated by doctors family is stability after the fever is gone, said the source, specifying, however, what Miss one day more, or some of them, to see the evolution. The important thing is that, despite being very little by little, we can keep trusting that good evolution. The source referred to possible tracheotomy that some media have spoken without much Foundation, as saying that it will intervene again to that, it seems as if there worsened, and is not the case, he said. He insisted that he would to the Bullfighter tracheotomy if you still need a tube for breathing, and would only be to relieve that State, as forecasting that an vocal cord can hurt. Only that. But you have to wait for what they say the doctors, who incidentally nor have informed us of any possible interventions Protocol for the next few days, he concluded. Source of the news: Ortega Cano takes several days without fever and is waiting for an ankle operation


We believe you are in love, or to have much money or delivering the existence to a cause. These moments are good, but equal, instants sad when they finish or we acknowledge that, we continue also, dejected. Dr. Neal Barnard pursues this goal as well. Because really the joy lies within oneself, but tirelessly we pursue it outside. We give so much importance to passing situations in our lives and relate well with them, that when you pass we forget our current valencia and we are empty and without hope. The tarot is a functional vehicle to establish that it is possible to find real happiness independent of what happens in our lives. Is it quesea, this teaches us that each defines what position has a facet in our reality and how much importance we grant him. This practice is very beneficial to help us see situations in perspective and alleviate the suffering. Hold the tarot, watch it carefully and select three letters.

The first has to represent a friend, the second to someone who is his enemy and the third one who makes you feel neutral; or honey, or hatred. Choose three cards that better represent these beings. Place the cards on the table toward you and study of their enemy. Note within this tarot card to a person who has caused pain and allowed to perceive pain or repulsion that inspires him. Later admits, consciously, imagine what event could turn that person into his friend.

Then look at the neutral tile and feel what that person inspires him. Also, think about what should happen to make that person became his friend or enemy. Notice how much will you can love or reject others. Finally, look at the deck that symbolizes his friend and discover this being within the tarot deck. Think that this individual was formerly a stranger and something may vary at any time. Think about what would be able to convert this friend to enemy. see again the deck of his enemy and train look at it differently. Recognize the reality that a simple change of conduct could make this be something else from this moment. Look at the Tarot cards, supports see three individuals roundly in them and understand how they want the same as you, happiness. Placed in your shoes and distinguish. See how we are agile to tag other people, and they are in a certain class simply because we have so decided, but, in reality, we can remove them from there at any time and prefer to observe them through different eyes, with eyes of love and happiness. Warn that we are not obliged to hate but we prefer love, us moving towards real happiness through the tarot. Original author and source of the article.

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Brazilian Government Commission

Half of the world’s farmers are poor and cannot afford seeds in each planting season, but grown between 15 to 20% of the world’s food and feed directly at least 1.4 billion people: 100 million in Latin America, 1 billion in Asia and 300 million in Africa. Terminator technology is currently patent pending in Germany, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, R.P.D of Korea, Republic of Korea, Congo, Ivory Coast, Chad, Czech Republic, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Great Britain, Greece, Guinea, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxsemburgo, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Niger, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam. Do as it is that the Department of Agriculture of USA, an agency public whose proclaimed scientific mission consists in conducting research for the public good to justify this terminator technology development? Between public ads in British newspapers as part of the campaign from Monsanto to promote genetically modified food, one claimed that genetic engineering is needed to feed a hungry planet. African delegates at a Conference of the FAO and through joint delegation opposed radically to make the gigantic multinationals use the images of the poor and hungry of the African continent to promote a technology that is not safe or beneficial for the environment or the economy. Another of the traps of Monsanto is GM soy, who thinks planting in several countries of America Latina.Por example, with the scientific support of the national technical biosafety CTN Bio, the Brazilian Government Commission this presto to define the lawsuit from Monsanto for liberation in Brazilian of so-called soybeans Roundup Ready for its property territory. It will be the hallmark for the invasion of transgenic crops in Brazil. The RR soybean was obtained thanks to the introduction of a gene of the bacterium called Agrobacterium SP, which makes it resistant to the herbicide glisofato, produced by the own Monsanto under the trade name Roundup.

In Brazil the Monsanto has already Phagocytosed Brazilian as Agroceres and FT Lementes main companies. RR soybeans does not improve the nutritional value of soybean and only increases the profits of Monsanto that the sell seeds, procure the sale of its herbicide, since natural soybean reached prices at a 50% higher than the transgenic. GM seeds also contain a protein highly allergenic, the EPSSPS. Cows fed with soya RR present alterations in lipids of their milk, because of the seed phytoestrogen content. GM soy produces also Dermatitis and is bioacumulable. Found in fruits and fish waste of glyphosate, a year then the herbicide treatment.

International Foundation

Well as recognising that happiness is an essential part of my life, and that is present always in my being an essential part of the human being, gives me a sense of relief, since we’ve wrapped us in a constant search for happiness, thinking that we can get it from external things, when she lies and always settled within myfind it then now is an act of internal inquiry, supporting me in a spiritual practice. I also recognise that the work of educator is fairly complex, but that while unfolds with deep love, and attending to all the principles and aspects that mark us the holistic education will be easier to carry out. The responsibility that I have for all living being is also a central aspect that caused impact in my, I am so immersed in this paradigm that sometimes seems impossible to control impulses to injustices, but I recognize also that since I’m in this educational program, my being to had a significant change, same change that neither the church nor the conventional education had achieved in my. It requires more than a pure training and merely academic for find them meaning to what we do in all aspects of life, required of an integral formation, this based on universal love, this is the true meaning of life. In search of an internal order I am very satisfied with the clarification that this essay has given me be. Bibliography – Gallegos Nava Ramon (2000) the spirit of education. Integrity and transcendence in holistic education.

International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) the education of the heart. Twelve principles for holistas schools. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) education holistic. Pedagogy of universal love. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) a holistic vision of education.

Heart of holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) dialogues holistas. Holistic and perennial philosophy education i. International Foundation for holistic, Guadalajara education. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning to be. The birth of a new consciousness spiritual. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning communities. Transforming schools into community learning. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) pedagogy of universal love. A holistic world view. International Foundation for the holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) wisdom, love and compassion. Perennial philosophy II and holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) the way of the perennial philosophy. Holistic and perennial philosophy III education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2005) education and spirituality. Education as a spiritual practice. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2007) spiritual intelligence. Apart from the emotional and multiple intelligences.


Holistic education uses two concepts of integrity, the first as conception of the entirety of the Kosmos that allows the formation of totalities/parts that allow evolution; and on the other hand, as a concept computer of educational subjectivity, in the world of sense and meaning, culture and mentalities; It refers to the world of life, values, ideals and motivations. The quality of education is a concept exported from the world of industry, factories and production of objects-linear mechanical processes, in reality if it refers to a continuous improvement but only of industrial production, administrative handling, instrumental rationality, control processes, measurements objective, commercial organization, finances, accounting, i.e., a computer in the world of the systemic concept. In this way the human development process will differentiation to integration and hence to transcendence. If we do not differentiate properly fall into the fusion (everything is the same) or fragmentation (everything is contradictory) is therefore very important to differentiate between quality and educational integrity, not to confuse them because that brings us to the current reductionism. The essence of education is an intersubjective experience, an experience of building all together meaning shared by way of dialogue, dialogue as a process holistic understanding and collective thinking where our interests are common. Education begins through an understanding of the other, the interpretation of the intent of the other, the recognition of the validity of human subjectivity, is an encounter between human beings which aims essential generate meaning for life. The educational relationship sujeto-sujeto means that the process has a sense of totality, interconnection, participation, humanity and focuses on the development, transformation, creativity, the questions, the insights, self-knowledge, inner inquiry, interpretation of the world, the meaning of existence, the spiritual transcendence and the pursuit of membership among other aspects. The sujeto-sujeto relationship is the heart of education, is the Foundation on which stands the entire pedagogical task, is a human encounter that required a transdisciplinary framework integrator of different fields of knowledge more beyond the boundaries of science.

Bolivarian Government

However, note a lack of integration in the plans of the Commerce with the business sector, who in these years, once the Government took over, has declined in its productivity, until the end, which many SMEs withdrew from the commercial stage, have been closed, others feel deeply desmotivadas by cannot be taken into account to other large financial obstacles, technological, shift control that affected it. The national Government should reconsider their programmes the as collaborate with companies, engage in dialogue, to agree when you start new economic openings, alliances, to end of may they participate, offer their products, become more productive, encouraging and contributing not only in its development, but with the economy of the country cannot go unlinked, today more than never the opportunities that have been presented in emerging markets and even in the great powers, today more that never know leverage; to do so, the Government must promote a new culture business, University, more committed and duly supported, in order to ensure the participation favorable for all the actors involved. It must give way and pay attention to new entrepreneurs that have emerged, that they can offer their products and enable them to develop new SMEs and know to take advantage of the opportunities offered by these new openings, otherwise, will continue leading the country to be unproductive, dependent on imports, as it really happens, until the end, having to import products of consumption that should be produced in the country. Credit: Childrens Defense Fund-2011. Another aspect that the Bolivarian Government, under the leadership of President Chavez, must take very seriously, is your role with respect to universities, especially public ones, encourage them to participate in the training of professionals claiming the country, professionals capable of generating changes, transformations that favor him in the achievement of programmes proposed develop. You must remain vigilant of how encouraging these educational responsibility in achieving their academic and research excellence, providing all the assistance that they require. .

Weight Loss Issues

In the current scenario of one growing number of people facing weight problems due to the irregular shape of life, diet and exercise routine, there are a large number of programs available on the market that promise quick loss of weight with minimal effort. More people are opting for these programs as a means to tackle their weight problems and recover his lost physical form. Eat to lose program is one of those programs that has quickly become a popular choice among the masses because of his simple nature and effective results. Developed by the renowned specialist in nutrition and health specialist Isabel De Los Rios, eat to lose focuses on converting the concept of a healthy diet in a way of life more than a temporary measure, that people can choose to lose weight. The program emphasizes a more holistic approach, also taking into account factors such as exercise, lifestyle tips, and how to stay motivated during long periods. Commercially available plans and diet programs have been reactions found in all the world for a long time. Doctors and specialists of health around the world have pointed out major shortcomings in many of the popular diet programmes and highlighted the major health risks that may arise from its prolonged use. Eat to lose program promises to be different and is different from a system of diet of fashion in the manner in which advocates of healthy eating habits and a disciplined lifestyle rather than recommend drastic measures in an attempt to lose weight.

The Foundation Focus diet diet is probably the most important factor in terms of weight loss. The pressing need here is to consume the required amount of calories is a way that the body burns every day a little more. At the same time, it is also very important to keep the intake of essential nutrients that the body needs to function properly.