Financials Nabawi Construction

Any mature software is self-contained and optimized for one or more specific purposes – standalone systems with all necessary functionality. Therefore, it is logical to manage all documents in the company E.g. with a certified DMS system and tamper-proof archive. But why use a proven document management system with various other specialist software’ link and trigger the DMS functionality from elsewhere? Integration of DocuWare resulted from practice answers this question our customers have: you need a user-friendly and flexible tool with which they can complete all tasks. We have followed the wishes of the practice. To work efficiently, quickly and easily, the most users in the daily routine in their want to ‘ stay familiar program environment.

You not only are together used to painstakingly when ordering from umpteen different Excel lists addresses of providers whose material offers, price lists and negotiated conditions are looking for to, then to write the order with a word processor, to print and then also still extra archive. You were not particularly thrilled, for every work step another application from the FF’ use and get to know must – even if DocuWare comes through his Nemetschek liaison from the same home. Here the specific integrated solution pays off. A surface for all required functionality. Work processes, reflected logically in the software. No double data storage. What has captured a workspace that can be used by the other staff members as well as with other applications.

The handling of the documents in the company there is no exception. Workflow without annoying Media Exchange ‘ and duplication therefore also the required DMS functions directly in the building financials modules. For the user is not even noticeable that he refers to another software package in his work. As financials go, for example, from construction Invoices for printing on paper at the same time you are in revision-safe electronic version in the archive then the booking deposit, can be displayed at your fingertips.


Leading industry associations inform together at CeBIT for the electronic exchange of invoices, Bonn, 6 February 2012. The Association of electronic bill e. V. (VeR) and the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. are at CeBIT 2012 together visitors fully on the subject of E-Invoicing informed. The two boards have decided this. Therefore be on the ECM Forum of VOI (Hall 3, booth D34) members of the Treaty on the 7th March from 15:30 in the context of four lectures basic knowledge, useful and important aspects of the electronic invoice Exchange convey.

To complement the members of VOI to support interested parties with additional information additional lectures. “Petra Greiffenhagen, CEO of the VOI says: we are very happy, that we welcome the shipping booth VOI and the Association enhances our ECM Forum with its know-how.” Marcus Laube, Member of the Board of the reverse complement: the ECM Forum of VOI is for us an excellent platform, the CeBIT visitors about E-invoicing to inform.” E-Invoicing is gaining national how increasingly internationally. More and more companies will benefit from the advantages of the electronic exchange of data. Kidney Foundation gathered all the information. contains valuable tech resources. “The ECM Forum of VOI equal to several occasions offers for visitors to CeBIT, who want to learn how they can introduce electronic invoicing in your company,: so the Association will reverse as the mouthpiece of the E-Invoicing economy as a whole” actively introduce on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, in the afternoon in the program. “” The introductory lecture on quo vadis e-invoice opportunities and potentials “Dr. Donovan Pfaff from the bonpago GmbH. remains committed to 15:30 closes at 16:00 Marcus Laube of the crossinx GmbH with a lecture on the subject of national and international roaming with an interface which use networks of all providers?” “From 16:30 explains Andreas Thonig, Ariba Germany GmbH, the related E-Invoicing 2.0 business collaboration”, before then at 17:00 “finally Klaus Tenderich BasWare GmbH CeBIT visitors about E-Invoicing law and practice” informs.

Heinz PMO

PMO professional management organization GmbH expands its range of solutions in Gescher, June 29, 2010: the PMO professional management organization GmbH expands its range of solutions to complete enterprise content management (ECM) portfolio of German d.velop AG and partner contracts international GmbH with the d.velop. The PMO is a sales organization with a focus on software for security and office efficiency solutions for major customers. PMO is represented with its various IT sales unternehmungen, particularly in the northern region of the Gulf, as well as the booming region around the Caspian Sea. With the PMO GmbH the d.velop international GmbH expands its network of distribution partners and thus receives a strong representation in an interesting market. The successful launch of ECM solutions for major customers and Government related organizations through the PMO had begun already late 2009 in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, with such high resonance, that even the State television about the ECM workshops for top decision makers in the aser-baidschanischen capital Baku reported. Our sales organization is active in many countries around the Caspian Sea, where this target markets IT very strongly differ from each other, so that it is often difficult to find a product for all of these markets. With the ECM, we can now finally cover the entire market spectrum to technologies of German d.velop AG. “Especially because we customers now both established ECM system d.

3, as also the ecspand ECM solutions for Microsoft SharePoint can offer”, is pleased Mr. Abbas Mohammadi, managing partner of PMO, via the Advanced distribution capabilities. Mr Heinz B. Wietmarschen field, Director of sales of d.velop international added: the region around the Caspian Sea, also caused by the local oil boom, for international IT company attractiveness gained considerable. However, without a strong partner with an excellent reputation in the region, a sales of even best software technologies is a challenge. Therefore we are very happy, that PMO the added value of d.velop has recognized technologies for their customers, and it now presents the existing high-level contacts. About the d.velop AG: The established in 1992, d.velop AG headquartered in the North Rhine-Westphalian Gescher develops and markets software, document-based business and decision-making processes optimised in companies / organisations.

In addition to the strategic platform d. 3 of a modular enterprise content management (ECM) solution developed the d.velop AG with the product line of ecspand services and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, which complete the functional areas of ECM and DMS. Core features include an automated mail processing with self learning document classification, an efficient document management and archiving, as well as the complete control of the flow of processes. So the solutions of d.velop accelerate processes, simplify decisions and improve sustainable competitiveness. The high quality of the projects resulting from the expertise of more than 300 employees of the Group (d.velop AG and d.velop d.velop competence center), as well as the approximately 150 affiliates in the d.velop competence net-work. That convinced over 680,000 users at more than 2,300 Kun-such as ESPRIT, Werder Bremen, Tupperware Germany, EMSA, HRS hotel reservation service, the city of Munich, the German health insurance fund, the Basler insurance, the universal-investment-Gesellschaft or the University Hospital Tubingen. Board of d.velop AG is Christoph Pliete. Think factory group Wilfried Heinrich Pastoratstrsse 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 2233 6117-23

Centracon And Matrix42

Cooperation of consultancy and Software House is based on the same vision slim and fast-to-implement solutions for integrated workplace management in preparation Leverkusen/Neu-Isenburg, 07.12.2010 – Centracon management consultancy specialising in the management of the workplace and the Software House Matrix42 have agreed a strategic cooperation for the design of future-oriented IT – related jobs, because they have similar objectives and complementary skills. “While Centracon with their smart virtual workplace” Matrix42 focuses on the conceptual planning and holistic implementation brings the necessary products for a comprehensive management of the workplace in the cooperation. Together, they want to address medium-sized companies and corporations in the order of 1,000 to 10,000 IT jobs. Both companies expect that the IT jobs in the near future get a completely new face. You are a location-independent access, modular services and characterize task-specific performance profiles, include also a new freedom in the end devices, as well as the automated deployment services.

Desktop virtualization plays an important role in the technical implementation. We provide the solutions for dynamic workplaces and Matrix42 provides the necessary techniques”, describes Centracon CEO of Robert Gallant the basic idea of cooperation. Thus a perfect portfolio supplement, as it is probably unique in the market at the moment is,”he points out potential is created through the merger of the two strengths. The partner product platform are easily implementable”our visions for the middle class, he outlined the significant benefits of cooperation and in this context refers to a technical feature: Matrix42 solutions according to our market research as only the possibility, from a single console out both physical as well as virtual data and services to access wherever.” Thus, the company could grow flexibly in the future requirements of workplace management into. Also for Jurgen Seiwerth, COO of Matrix42, new accents on the partnership. The close interweaving of our skills produces a unique added value to the benefit of our customers”, he sees broad prospects in the market for the cooperation.

Konica Minolta

New solution combines multi function systems from Konica Minolta with your ECM system windream Bochum, August 30, 2011. Under the name “windream bizhub connect” the windream GmbH at the this year’s DMS EXPO in Stuttgart introduces the latest release of its software solution for Konica-Minolta multi function devices. The solution combines the enterprise content management system windream seamlessly with the Konica-Minolta bizhub systems. Users who already use bizhub devices or plan to invest in such a system, an extremely efficient tool with which they can windream tamper-proof archive for example scanned documents without going directly in the ECM system with the software solution. Leading technology and functional diversity windream bizhub connect solves a variety of classic tasks related to the digitisation and systematic archiving of various files and formats in the context. The system is suitable for use in small offices as well as in medium-sized companies and corporations with multiple locations. Bizhub connect problems archiving without paper, by the system quickly and flexibly connects as many Konica-Minolta bizhub systems the audit-proof windream archive. Because the bizhub Konica devices already an extremely flexible interface Minolta in the basic version available, you can without much effort with other applications are connected and controlled even by this.

In this context the ECM system integrates with windream in almost ideal way as a software component in the bizhub world. The interaction between hardware and software allows users, document accompanying information, about file attributes or indices such as billing and vendor numbers to enter directly on the display of the Konica-Minolta bizhub device. windream bizhub connect then immediately archived the collected documents in the pre configured directories of the windream ECM-system. Bizhub connect can give ad-hoc feedback on specific activities the user in turn reversed way, for example through the current process status or mistakes on the part of the user. In addition, windream bizhub connect offers a flexible processing of any information and documents.


The efficient load balancing between multiple Cognos stands 8 BI instances in the spotlight. These measures cause under real conditions of practice in customer business performance improvements of several hundred percent”KINDIG refers to the results of your own projects. You have resulted in an explosive performance by several hundred percent, for example, in an insurance company. Also a major automobile manufacturer evaluate reduced complex financial reports on a fraction of the original time: instead of the first 20 minutes are the reports now in 30 seconds available. This shows that there are potential for very significant performance gains at least in BI landscapes with Cognos systems”, judges the novem-consultant. About novem business applications As the independent consultancy, designs, and implements innovative methods and solutions for the areas of business management, finance, controlling, sales, marketing to the sustainable increase of in company value of our customers novem. Thereby offers novem partner leading solution providers such as IBM COGNOS, Informatica, and research-based organizations such as the Cognos innovation centers and universities of applied sciences St. Gallen and fronds its customers security the best conditions and the latest technology. About 250 implemented customer projects in the areas of sales and marketing information system Unternehmenssteuerungs – and planning solutions as well as more than 10,000 users who work with solutions implemented by novem, or have been trained in the ISO 9001:2000 certified TrainingsCenter novem make one the market leader in the German-speaking world. Agency think tank Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth Bernhard Duhr Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

Customer Loyalty Using Gift Cards

Today, hardly anyone with cash pays his Bill. The debit cards used system in Germany and Europe in the past. This system allows you to pay electronically. Owner of an account with a bank to get a debit card when you opened an account. Remember, a magnetic strip is attached. For a long time, apart from even a small chip set is attached. The owner then pay the card at a ticket office, considering the card with the magnetic stripe through the reader.

In connection with entering a special identification number, secured the payment and the money some time later obtained from the account. The practice of non-cash payment transactions rising emerged in recent times. The practical quickly becomes clear: the owner of a bank card have not always to remember to collect money from the Bank. Furthermore, it is not more important to have enough cash in your pocket. In the production of electronic charts using special card printers. This cards printer change the plastic cards. However, the printer can not only print.

Most can apart from reading the magnetic stripe and chip sets and ultimately encode. Card printer can change also chip cards, health insurance cards or telephone cards. The use of electronic smart cards ranging from debit cards, customer cards, or gift cards. Many large stores or retail chains have loyalty cards. With this, the owner of the card while shopping can get points. The owner of the card reaches a certain number of points, the owner in the port can be give a gift or a payment credit. With this customer loyalty system, stores want to get used to the customers on time itself. The introduction of electronic cards has introduced apart from the fact that gift cards or gift cards look different than it was a few years ago. Even with a magnetic strip are often flawed. For the owner of an account that has the advantage that he must take not the entire voucher amount claimed. The matching amount is without further ADO deducted electronically from the total credit slip. The electronic chip cards so a lot has changed, much to the delight of customers. The owner of the card, however, should monitor compliance with data protection. Some distributors of customer cards forward to their data via the respective customers of subsidiaries, which will be all right with security. Lena Marie

Noxum Publishing Studio With Integrated Interface To Acrolinx IQ

Noxum and acrolinx show integrated solution at the tekom annual Conference 2009 (Berlin) the acrolinx GmbH and the Noxum GmbH present Studio together at the tekom annual Conference 2009 in Wiesbaden the acrolinx IQ in the Noxum publishing text test. To do so, the Noxum publishing Studio was equipped with an integrated interface to acrolinx IQ of the world’s leading solution for quality assurance of high-quality content. The holistic approach of the Noxum publishing Studio is aimed at the best possible supporting of users in the editorial work and processes. The linguistic intelligence by acrolinx IQ provides a rule-based examination of the source text, as well as the terminology. The new, integrated testing of voice quality at the source is ideal for companies that want to really live consistent terminology. The Noxum publishing Studio working Editor sees directly on its editing interface in the currently open module the proposals, comments and tags, which the connected acrolinx IQ Server following its examination of the text delivers.

Spelling, grammar, terminology, writing style, and reuse can be tested. In the Noxum publishing Studio the editor of acrolinx can on the IQ-server use provided, certified language standards, style rules and approved terminology for different text types and industries and his work simply accept and apply. Filed under: CDF. Rule sets are available English and the TuV DocCert rule set and others like acrolinx technical German, Simplified English, global. acrolinx (Hall 3, number 311) and Noxum (Hall 1, stand 140) inform on this topic at their exhibition booths at the tekom annual Conference, which takes place from 4-6 November 2009 in Wiesbaden, Germany. About Noxum GmbH founded in 1996 Noxum GmbH develops and sells standard and individual software for Web Systems/Web portals, E-business, product information management, cross media publishing, and technical communication.

The Noxum publishing Studio is a XML-based system solution at the same time content management and Content management system in one product. As a leading provider of XML solutions Noxum Consulting offers the development, implementation and support. Among the customers of the Noxum GmbH including Daimler AG, the NurnbergMesse GmbH, the Dr. ing h.c. F. Porsche AG, the STIFTUNG WARENTEST and the King & Bauer AG. The management include: Norbert Klinnert, Volker Roman, Michael Stegmann. More information under: about acrolinx GmbH: acrolinx is market leader in the linguistic support by professional authors. The software solution helps to comply with more than 10,000 users worldwide, linguistic standards and to increase the efficiency of translation, proofreading and support acrolinx IQ. acrolinx IQ is used in more than 25 countries. Technology-oriented companies such as SAP, Bosch, Siemens, Viessmann, Symantec, Philips and many more are among the users. The headquarters of acrolinx exists in the United States in Berlin, a subsidiary. Further your information at Editorial contacts Noxum GmbH Gabriele Kauler Beethovenstrasse 5 d 97080 Wurzburg Tel. + 49 931 46588-102 fax + 49 931 46588-599 E-Mail: acrolinx GmbH Oliver Collmann Rosenstrasse 2 D-10178 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 288 84 83 30 fax: + 49 30 288 84 83 39 PR Agency: good news! GmbH Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf Tel: + 49 451 88199 – 12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Eastern Europe

It is good see that Everest as an independent expert the importance of this multi location sourcing-strategy for outsourcing users has identified and qualified as one of the world’s leading regions for complex software development central and Eastern Europe. We are very pleased that the Everest has put out report EPAM systems as the “must-know” service providers in our region. This recognition is the result of more than 15 years of continuous success in the delivery of high quality services to the leading software product and technology companies, as well as the globally active companies in the Fortune 1000 “, Arkadiy Dobkin, EPAM commented President and CEO. A copy of Everest reports are available at the address e-library-download whitepapers.aspx download available. About Everest Everest group is a global consulting and research company, serving the outsourcing and offshoring market in a comprehensive way. It is one of his since the establishment Sourcing consultant in 1991 to the leading companies in the industry. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Childrens Defense Fund.

Everest could reach through the continuous development of services that its customers could realize the maximum benefit from their respective sourcing strategies and their implementation. Everest enables customers and service providers, through its extensive information to successfully navigate experiences and consulting services through the various stages of the outsourcing life cycle. His pioneer role Everest is obliged, known for fact based analysis, as well as an in-depth insight into the outsourcing and offshoring market. about EPAM systems since the founding in 1993 has the year EPAM systems become the global leader in the field of software development services and IT consulting with development centers in Central and Eastern Europe. With headquarters in the United States, EPAM provides services to customers worldwide.

These services are with more than 4,500 employees Sales offices in North America, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Switzerland and Sweden and development sites in Hungary, the Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan provided. The development of complex software products for global software and technology vendors, development, testing, maintenance and support of mission-critical business applications, as well as industry-oriented IT consulting services for international clients in the Fortune 2000 list belongs to EPAMs core competence. EPAM is considered one of the top companies in the “2009 global outsourcing 100” list from IAOP, as well as in the “the 2009 global services 100” list of the global services magazine and neoIT led. In the 2009 Edition of the magazine is EPAM of the only IT services provider in Central and Eastern Europe in the global list of “top 10 best performers: IT services”. It is also called no. 2 of “top 10 best performers: outsourced product development” rated.

Digital Value Through Mobile Customer Service Solution

ASS_Mobile service improves customer service quality and increases sales competition and cost-consciousness not only is an issue since the current economic crisis. And although business process optimization via ERP is granted in many areas, the customer service is here often not integrated. Perhaps check out Boy Scouts of America for more information. The fatal consequences are too long order and payment processing. Goal: Transparency and efficiency from order to payment to prepare a service mission need readily available, comprehensive information about customers and products service technician in order intake. A timely control, adjustment, or simple recalculation of inserts is necessary for invoicing. Solution: Mobile service software in the Pocket was the customer service software ASS_Mobile service together with professional service organizations as Web-based standard solution with integration to ERP systems such as SAP designed customer service processes across all business lines across transparent, efficient and most cost-efficient in the back office to handle ERP. Calculated: hard numbers and soft factors of the benefit of a professional mobile service software with ERP-integration is obvious: the realistic calculation based on hard figures shows that the return on investment (ROI) is achieved within one year. In addition, the companies benefit from so-called soft benefits, which are initially difficult to evaluate with key figures.

However, the company achieved after recently using of the mobile service solution measurable performance and quality improvements. In this respect, the soft factors are higher to weight than hard numbers. The main benefits include: transparency through current and comprehensive information for service staff, technicians and sales high service quality image improvement through use of innovative technologies company profile the ACE.TEC Beratungsgesellschaft mbH was founded in 1993 for applications, systems, strategies and technologies with a focus on complete solutions for SAP users. ACE.TEC is added resellers also since 1993 of a German only three ARIS value and in addition to the ARIS manufacturer IDS of only the individual report scripts with integration can develop solution Manager for SAP. The holistic support of the concept belongs to philosophy to the rollout and support of information processing for customers of all sizes of companies in Germany and in the neighbouring countries. ACE.TEC consulting company for applications, systems, strategies and technologies mbH Kurt Leo Kaiser (Managing Director) Eichendorffstrasse 33 78054 VS-Schwenningen, Germany phone / fax: 07720 / 840-140 / 139 Doris Jessen