The Walls Could Do With Art!

Photo art & photo design – made by fotoart the average gives the world its inventory, the exceptional its value. Oscar Wilde the furniture at all not bad: Brand new the sideboard, sofa classy and comfortable, from the flea market the designer lamp. But something is missing! A real eye-catcher! Something with character and personality! And something that not everyone has! Flower pots so definitely fall off the walls could do with art! A real Gerhard Richter would of course not be bad, unfortunately it has the four million euros just not ready. And the Picasso print from IKEA somehow he remembers at the last visit to the dentist. The solution: photo art – framed – in large format. And what kind! A previously unpublished portrait of Joseph Beuys on brushed aluminium 100 x 150 cm, for example. Or how about acrylic glass visions: full colours, flowing forms.

If you like bizarre: the world of the theatre of the 1920s on canvas. Or maybe a little lyrical: The forgotten and rusting out railway wagon, the rough sea very unromantic, rain drops, which are a work of art in itself. “All this is to photo & art berlin, see the Gallery” in the Botzowstrasse in the Prenzlauer Berg district. “The concept: art to specify”. Entitled”the photographer Hans Windeck says finally the requirements are strictly limited, which select processing, specializing in large format and exceptional materials is just not on every corner. Hans Windeck – world-traveled for thirty years and award-winning photojournalist – has worked for all the major German magazines. Together with his partner Ralf Bartz, he runs photo & art berlin”the gallery. Who comes to us”so the two must not freeze prior art failed. If the customer thinks the image would fit in good with our sofa’ right! Just no fear!” The exquisite has of course its price: between 300 1300 Euro you can ever in the “Gallery Photo & art berlin” can be. “This is called but then a major work his own that guaranteed friends and neighbors is cause to ask: where did you get this because??” You may need to tell it of course: from the contact: Gallery Photo & art berlin Botzowstrasse 37 10407 Berlin phone 030-49855323

Man Lamy, Austrian Artist In The Hunger Strike

Demonstraktion as living sculpture gen accident game spreading in Graz demonstration as a living sculpture in Graz. Man Lamy in the hunger strike in the cage of Augartenparks to Lamy, an artist living in Graz and painter who interferes, uncomfortable also the politics, society and economy questions. In his latest project was to block Lamy as living sculpture with breath and heart in the Augartenpark in Graz in a cage. Hunger strike as an art object, which is aimed against the effects of gambling, such as the position of power in political and economic nature against such companies. To make Lamy not just art, he lives it. Provocative for some, an idealist who bluntly expressing his feelings, to wake up with his art tries for others. His mission against the international spread of the disaster game”took an abrupt end, as nocturnal visitors tried several times randalierten and the cage to subvert, drunken threatened to ignite the frame. At PCRM you will find additional information. And yet, the reactions of the people which you Lamy in the Cage visited, the press and interested parties, visitors to the park were gezollt full of respect a man of bold, and involves research step also inconvenient way to help others. Text: Cornelia Kerber photo: (c) Alfred pany

White Pearl Necklace

Before she took me in the cabin, she gave me the Council to do everything the men I require. Please visit Boy Scouts of America if you seek more information. I trusted my mother. I believed her when she said that I will from now on have much power in the village. The first man with whom I had sex that night, was her brother. It is not uncommon for Devadasis. He stayed with me for a few years.

He took care of me. Today he’s coming less often. My two children are by him. But the horror for me started with the day of my initiation. My friends left me. The women of the village abused me.

There are middlemen who constantly tried to provide me free. Until today the men harass me, when I go on the market.” Basammas hope: through the SNEHA Selbshilfegruppe she has regained confidence. Together with the Andheri partner problems be discussed openly with other temple dancers and normal women of Devadasis. Thanks to SNEHA Basammas children get the chance to school to go without discrimination by teachers and classmates. Basammas Hope is to set up a sales booth at some point with the help of a small loan by the self-help group. Urugonda Mathamma, forty years: As a child I was dedicated to the goddess. My mother had no other choice. “Urugonda comes from a low kast-family, it is a so called Dalit. She has experienced priests and elders in their previous lives only exploitation and oppression by the Hochkastigen. Training could not make it. Already as a little girl, it was consecrated of the goddess Mathamma after she was very ill on measles. Her mother brought her in desperation to the priest who spoke to her, that only the consecration of the child to the temple would bring about healing. Only after the initiation ritual at the age of 14 she learned bitterly, what it meant to be a consecrated life. All the men of the village wanted to sleep with her. As a Mathamma she could not refuse. (Here the superstition comes into play, that all men worship this deity, practically regarded as husbands of the Devadasi are.). Grid lock external character of a Devadasi women and young girls wear characters are considered a red and White Pearl Necklace in older women, that the goddess has taken possession of the woman a band a leather pieces at the end is wrapped the girl around the neck. It is hereby considered married with the deity and therefore no other man can more separation.

Lepsien Art Foundation

We are pleased that so more talented young artists get the chance of sustainable development. (Similarly see: Childrens Defense Fund). We will systematically develop the work of the Lepsien Art Foundation and strengthen collaborations and partnerships in the core model. The funding year 2010/11 showed already very successful, how big is the encouragement of companies in the area of cultural corporate responsibility. Here lie great potentials for successful projects between international artists and companies. With the leading health insurance in the UAE DAMAN HEALTH INSURANCE, EID ART EDITION with the the Iraq-born this year has been the exclusive DAMAN Artists started Haure Madjid.

These developments we will continue and so creating added value for artists and companies.” According to Christian Lepsien, the high proportion of graduates and master students of the Art Academy in Dusseldorf is clearly a testimony of the close and good local cooperation of in recent years and the ties in Dusseldorf. We congratulate the five artists to the scholarship and look forward to an exciting promotion year 2011/12. We thank all art universities welcome the good and professional assistance, the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf is a special thanks.” Funding scheme 2011/2012 runs until the end of September 2012. Lepsien Art Foundation Dusseldorf – Abu Dhabi information about the Organization: the Lepsien Art Foundation is a dating back to private initiative non-profit organization (NPO), fully committed to the sustainable promotion of art & culture. The Organization was founded in 2005 by the passionate art collector and patron of the Christian Lepsien headquartered in Dusseldorf. The Lepsien Art Foundation is a purely private economic funded promotional organization. The Lepsien Art Foundation is led by Christian Lepsien (Chairman), Cindy Terebova (Deputy CEO / cultural management), as well as a five-member Advisory Board. The Lepsien Art Foundation awards annually 5 grants to international artists /-inside, which are selected by a jury in a public tender procedure. The programme includes Studio spaces, an exhibition per year, limited editions, and a catalogue of the year.