7,000 Animal Board – Customers Monthly – A Sad Climax

7,000 pet with over 14,500 animals seek help at the animal table Germany e.V. Rathenow monthly, March 18, 2009 – while enjoy the most about customer growth, staying for the customers of the animal table are a bitter aftertaste, in dire straits and can not (longer) even humanely to their pets care. Since the economic crisis, founder and Chief Executive Officer Claudia Hollm recorded a significant increase. Dr. Neal Barnard pursues this goal as well. More and more pet owners are dependent on the support of the Association, because the own income or pension feed is no longer enough. Registrations in the local outlets rose by up to 20 percent. The animal table Germany e.V. is funded exclusively through donations and volunteers, the club needs more than ever support. ed on this topic.

Already about 1,000 members the Club in the last two years for his win and there are always new. Keep it that way, leaving the animal table Germany e.v. a lot come up: who takes on Sep 6, 2009 DogWalk”instead. Navigate at this charity event”friended Germany dogs along with your master output supervisors and workers, customers, sponsors, clubs and sponsors, food donations for dog and cat. A total ten kilometre long route three checkpoints are provided, where sponsors in addition to water for the dogs to feed samples and information material available. Behind the finish line waving bodily pleasures for all participating two and four-legged friends.

In this way, the animal table customers give something back and support their local animal Panel output unit. This is a great way to draw attention to themselves with their commitment to the animal table, also for sponsors. Besides the active output places so far, the cities of Dusseldorf, Essen and Hannover have participation confirmed, further applications are expected to be set. Animal Board Germany e.V. was founded in 2006 by Claudia Hollm. Now 20 years have been added since the first issuer in the Brandenburg Rathenow, and 25 more about Dusseldorf, Nienburg, Kassel or Hannover in planning. In each point, there is free food and donations, as well as information material and assistance. Also animal physical therapists,-heilpraktiker and dog trainer often for expert advice on the spot. The food donations serve merely as support for needy people, who already have animals, and are never as free all-round supply thought. New unmeasured pets and puppies are not looked after. Project days in schools, where children are playfully informed about animal welfare are planned for the future. Feverishly working on an extension of the foster care network to accommodate an animal of animal Board customer in case of illness of the owner.

Two open days at the shelter – a world animal day of Naturno, 05 October 2009 – on the last Saturday and Sunday Naturno shelter opened its doors to the weekend of the open door. Not only on the occasion of the World animal protection day on 4th October, about 600 visitors found opportunity, proverbial insight in the asylum of the resident four-legged friends. Whether pet owners, those who would like to be there or simply interested. By Gross was thrilled to Klein the clientele. Also figures like Naturno Mayor Heidegger and Fahd Council took time for a visit. “The evil Word animal shelter” got a face. As the structure of the institution were convinced”the principles of the wearer, of the Association of friends of the shelter of Naturno.

A name with history that convinced finally polemisierende votes and the positive turn, 2007 took the animal shelter since the management change. The proper handling of dogs was one of the highlights on both days under the theme of “.” Many guests took the opportunity to let the volunteer dog trainer with each other to make tips and tricks for a respectful approach. “The trained therapy dogs by Karin and Liviana demonstrated how easy it is, if one of the other’s language” respects. Reason for this program point gave and give many of the featured individual stories of the residents. If too loud, too vital, or suddenly snappy, repeatedly man-made reasons, to get rid of an animal find it. Was released but recently a bitch, because she do their business in the House. The weekend was a success all along the line. In addition to numerous contributions to the welfare of the animals you pleased also new members of the Association. Of these, there can never be enough. How to contact with animal shelter: stone Street 28 / B 39025 Naturns Tel. 0473 / 660077

Blood Donation Campaign

Saarbrucken, 14.06.2010 MTP – Office Saarbrucken and the German Red Cross present the results of the blood donation of the summer semester 2010 the blood donation campaign of MTP – Office Saarbrucken was also this semester again a resounding success. In collaboration with the German Red Cross were on June 14, 2010, the tents on the campus of the University of Saarland pitched the world blood donor day, and called for blood donation. Total 141 people who wanted to donate is reported in the period from 11:00 to 16:00. Most donors were known as repeat offenders, who were always busy donors in the semesters before. During the last semester as a whole recorded 80 donor at the time blood donation, 124 donors this semester have been approved by the 141 volunteers total. Among the donors of this semester, 77 donors new donors were, registered with 29 new donors, in contrast to the previous semester.

The 17 volunteers of the MTP marketing between theory and practice e.V. took a blood donation day the registration of volunteer donors, as well as the catering on the spot. Next to a barbecue stand, there was also a cake buffet and small candies to the take. The MTP marketing between theory and practice e.V. warmly thanked all donors who have diligently supported the action and brought to fruition. Big thanks in particular to the supporters and sponsors of the blood donation campaign: the technician health, globe, the butcher of Konrad’s, copy meeting Saarbrucken and Leonidas Pralines. MTP Office Saarbrucken