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EBook Crisis

New release (also available as eBook available): Reaction rather than resignation, title alternative: annoyances citizen anger consequences. Informative startlingly engaged. The time for a constructive turnaround is overripe! Ignorance, lug, and cheating, decadence and a deliberately practised collective dumbing down must finally come to an end. In our society a more sinister trend has solidified long ago, where a growing ignorance, conscious rule breaks, as well as increasing Dreistigkeiten and Rucksichtslosigkeiten have become an apparent normality. Starting with everyday rule violations (disregard of road signs), about an often unbearable ignorance recognizable maladministration, to rough Rucksichtslosigkeiten (assault on the road), can be almost daily observations, which have already developed a dangerous, destructive society momentum. This book provides a wealth of typical everyday cases where everywhere Govern ignorance and recklessness, as partly extreme ignorance and assurances do so systematically that essential foundations of our society aware, malicious and partly through gross negligence, are damaged. Official site: BSA. Here you will find his fellow over a plea for more attention and mindfulness.

Main aim of this book is actively contributing, that many more people on the other hand, perceive the correlations between continued ignorance on the one hand, and from it to be derived from degenerative tendencies in the social interaction or actively integrate the conclusions in his own life. This book would like to awaken understanding, understanding that many who represent no unavoidable conditions of the abuses to be deplorable in various situations of our lives, but that every single person in the context of one’s own possibilities significantly and sustainably actively can contribute him, to make our world a livable place in the cosmos. Books on demand, ISBN 978-3-8423-1936-3, paperback, 204 pages, 14.99 info and orders under: index.php? id = 296 & 495239 counseling, Aribert Bohme of psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) & DV-kfm & computer teacher & author = objk_id member in the who-is-who Germany & Europe Lichtenbroicher route 103, 40472 Dusseldorf Tel.: 03212-1048942, fax: 03212-1048942 E-Mail: Internet: the consulting office Bohme, under the expert guidance of Mr Aribert Bohme, psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) & DV-kfm & computer teacher & author, offers a high quality and broad-based services since 1988. Following departments belong to the core competencies: 01 counseling (school, family, life coaching), 02 professional coaching, 03. computer based training (Windows, Word, Excel, theory, Internet), 4 private lessons and special learning support for students of classes 1 through 7 in the subjects German, English, mathematics, 5th publications in the thematic field of psychology, pedagogy, social criticism, computing. 06. psychological supervisor for the WVU project (science of below),. 07. author and lecturer of teaching video series psychology & Motivationscoaching”. Info:

Reason Without Emotions

The emotional basis of human culture this study deals with a phenomenon which appears completely evident at first glance. So, apart from some subtleties, it most people not difficult to determine whether your opponent is just sad or felt about great joy. But what is this security in dealing with our fellow human beings? The information we learn from their behavior, the facial expressions and their attitude? Therefore we would people so each time when we us in our fellow human beings empathize a rational Verstehensleistung provide, to which we would also only capable when we have learned to talk and abstract thinking. Read more here: Center For Responsible Lending. In this book is developed contrary to those, especially in the natural sciences widespread assumptions, a theory of mind, which puts the unique human development process in the Centre of interest. So we have not first and foremost our brain thanks to, that we have no problems with it, in the emotions of others to empathize with, but our body.

Because physically feel and do we understand the world, to a certain extent already before we can think and speak and this profound certainty accompanies us throughout our life. There are the emotions that are the stuff of our feelings, memories and our whole personality. A reason to release more of these responses to ideas such as the self, to seek the free will and consciousness only in the head, because this would be nothing without a sentient body and this would be nothing without the community with other sentient bodies. With attempting to overcome this traditional dualistic subjective inner world and intersubjective outside world, schemas, this book is an old problem of the history of philosophy on the track and it navigates the reader through a veritable minefield of philosophical and empirical complexities. Marcel Nakoinz: No reason without emotions – the emotional basis of human culture. Paperback, 88 pages, Diplomica publishing 2012 ISBN 978-3842-880733 price: 38,00 euro available in online shops (e.g.,,)

Book University

My way of St. James in retrospect was very enriching for Mieczyslaw Gasowski to Santiago de Compostela from Mieczyslaw Gasowski the way to Santiago de Compostela. He was pleasantly surprised, looked a lot and met very interesting people from different countries, with whom he led many insightful conversations among pilgrims. It was a time of course that he mastered five languages relatively fluently. On the way, he led a diary in which he noted everything what he saw and experienced, so for itself alone. After returning, he however thought that he should share his knowledge and experiences with others. And so this book was born.

What he writes, aimed basically at all, not only to those who will embark on the pilgrimage to St. James. Those who already have gone the way of St. James, can compare her with his impressions and experiences. On the other hand, those who don’t think on a pilgrimage of this way, can experience fragmentary, such as people of different professions, from different countries Earth, think about different subjects, what interests them, what hurts them, what or which they live (simply put). The author is pleased if any reader could experience any reader through this book also as spiritual dimension, mental, intellectual enrichment.

Mieczyslaw Gasowski

My way of St. James in retrospect was very enriching for Mieczyslaw Gasowski to Santiago de Compostela from Mieczyslaw Gasowski the way to Santiago de Compostela. He was pleasantly surprised, looked a lot and met very interesting people from different countries, with whom he led many insightful conversations among pilgrims. It was a time of course that he mastered five languages relatively fluently. On the way, he led a diary in which he noted everything what he saw and experienced, so for itself alone. After returning, he however thought that he should share his knowledge and experiences with others. And so this book was born. What he writes, aimed basically at all, not only to those who will embark on the pilgrimage to St.

James. Those who already have gone the way of St. James, can compare her with his impressions and experiences. On the other hand, those who don’t think on a pilgrimage of this way, can experience fragmentary, such as people of different professions, from different countries Earth, think about different subjects, what interests them, what hurts them, what or which they live (simply put). The author is pleased if any reader could experience any reader through this book also as spiritual dimension, mental, intellectual enrichment.

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Publisher Book

The publishing debut: three anthologies and a fantasy novel ladies and gentlemen, in June 2010 the literature friend Christoph Bizer Neff founded the candela Verlag. His motto: a Publisher modeled on old and still young and active. A podium for ambitious authors and a treasure trove for lovers of first-class fiction. This claim of the ambitious Publisher expresses itself in the fact that he has put together a competent team of lecturers, layout, and graphics professionals from the outset. In the flood of yearly new releases on the book market the candela books characterised therefore a technically solid and appealing visually and in terms of content, personal touch. Fair Leger formed conviction experienced authors and authors already at the beginning of the literary backbone of the publishing house.

Interesting new authors could be won through a first anthology of tender in the genres of mystery, fantasy and erotic. Boy Scouts addresses the importance of the matter here. Bizer Neff places emphasis on a fair dealing with the authors. Traditional candela is the Publisher of Word for “Submit”. Correct author contracts are granted and the Publisher promised out literary prizes are generally with one if equipped initially even more symbolic financial funding. Program and highlights In the spring of 2011 published the first books of the publishing house with the fantasy children’s novel by Kira Silver Star Inger Bengtsonsdotter”and the anthologies of the 2010 tender of inter Mundos. Stories between the worlds”(fantasy), Cruor. Stories of blood and murder”(thriller) and venerii. Stories between the sexes”(erotic).

“With Don and Dida the guru” and Lilly and Paul witch heritage “notable thrillers will see the light of the Acguisition mid-year two. Three anthologies appear as a result of the 2011 tender at the end of the year and last but not least, a number of other books of different genres are already in preparation for 2012. Publishing highlight of the year 2011 that the anthology invitation to tender may probably grotesques”are understood. Not only because it as Co-operation project underlines the innovative component of the publishing house, but certainly not very popular but highly interesting genre documented the literary standards of the Publisher. Looking after the special book step by step the candela-Verlag developed itself and its book program. “Target is not a large number of book titles currently 6 to 8 titles per year are planned, but every year at least a publication, as the total package (content, layout and cover) the predicate the special book” deserves. When you look at the Publishing House homepage grotesques can feel about the current book program, the invitation of the anthology”and reporting under the title contact – the people who are behind the publishing project. Happy, you can request free review copies by E-Mail and newsletter the candela. That the number of review copies is very limited, no-brainer with a publisher of our size of course. We are looking forward to your interest Christoph Bizer Neff for the team of the candela-Verlag

Garden Books Tips

For literature fans with no green thumb, are great reading tips related to gardening whether plot in the garden colony, the home garden or balcony and terrace gardening is increasingly the trend the also in urban areas and finds a multitude of followers. Reasons for this development are especially growing their own fruit and vegetables and the aspect of leisure. For all gardeners and those who want to become one, offers over 5,000 books around the garden. But not only the actual gardening itself is particularly interesting and provides inspiration; also the symbol of the garden as a creative workshop of life and growth is a much regarded theme for gardening enthusiasts and bookworms. presents 5 works 5 book tips with green thumbs and green heart due to the beginning of summer, who understand the garden both as a food supplier but also as a place of human relationships. “In am in the garden” the author reported by Susanne Wiborg by moving from planting work and rest, of the Observation and the exact listening and the return of the animals in the newly landscaped garden. My garden is my heart”: A cultural history of the gardens in Germany by Sabine Frank tells the story of gardening in Germany just as entertaining as exciting reports many horticultural anecdotes and acquaints the readers on a historical journey with great landscape architects, nature-loving philosophers and inventive breeders. First aid in the garden offers practical advice and support for small and large garden crises for intelligent lazy”No.

1 by organic gardener Karl Ploberger. The Austrians are creative ideas for the perfect garden, which is to be operated with little effort and care. To far less botanically it is in the hidden garden”by Kate Morton. In a fantastic mix of thriller, love story and family saga, the Australian writer on incredible exciting way tells the dark secret of an old noble family. The quintet of the most beautiful garden books is by the unusual romance novel at night, when the garden flowers”by E. L.

Swann completed. A love story of a very special kind, in which from the initial commitment for the two human nature soon an intense affection for each other outgrows awaits the reader here. More information on Garden literature and gardening tips can be found in the online shop from and blog. Contact: GmbH & co. KG stone Ford 65 a 86167 Augsburg phone: 0821/4502-0 fax: 0821/4502-299 E-Mail: Web: about is the online shop with over seven million items from the categories of books, audiobooks, eBooks, movies, software, electronics, music downloads and toys. Numerous price hits range from and endearing to search the shop for bargains on the Internet. Customers get free shipping with your order and can choose the shop without minimum order. Is each order with premiums from the webmiles bonus programme rewards. buecher.

Personalized Childrens Books

Since 2009 designs, writes and illustrates the linguist Anja Ludwig individual children’s books, whose title character is created according to the personal data of customers. All of the my-own-story publishing personalized children’s books are produced in still handmade with love and care. Name, place of residence, eye color and other people and character traits are built into the stories carefully and individually. Even small features such as blue glasses, freckles and the hairstyle of a child are integrated in the text and the book illustration. BSA is full of insight into the issues. A personal dedication as well as your own pictures on the cover and in the book, complete the personal books for children. By children themselves become the hero of the book, my-own-story publishing house would interest most written word among small readers increase. Teachers increasingly recommend the use of individual children’s books to promote the joy of reading.

The combination of high-quality, language-enhancing content with a personal image and text design create books, the Fun and proud anyway. Children can be found in the book itself and your own personal adventure. Since even small reading ring would know how this story ends well. In addition to the language-enhancing effect, personal books for children have a positive impact on confidence. It’s just proud to find his own story in a book.

Educational studies showed that a greater self-confidence improves the ability to learn. As a unique, personalized children’s books are something very special. That’s why also the graphic design of the books in the my-own-story publishing plays an important role. The childishly fanciful illustrations are drawn with watercolor, pastel and colored pencil and enjoy in the children of great enthusiasm. Even after repeated viewing, there is still something to discover. Loving details like an elaborately designed intent paper, bookmark as bookmark and a photo page with photos and a personal dedication, let an extraordinary children’s book and a develop small piece of memory. The children’s book “Button” has become the perennial favorite. In rhymed language buttons tells”the story of a child that just do not want to fall asleep without a compelling story. The old teddy bear of the grandpas takes over the task of storytelling buttons. But to hear stories of the gauntlet, you have to be very quiet and brave enough for an adventurous journey. Then, buttons from his words spin ladders that lead up to the sky. Passing brave bright stars, the good-humoured Moon and strange inhabitants of heaven the way leads to the dream land, where everything is very different. But now the grandfather in the head has set itself, button was too old. Button has a strubbliges coat, very good patch and the right eye is already just a button. Birthday Grandpa gives a new bear called Brummel. The new Teddy is so pretty, the birthday child to forget the old bear. But stories can not everyone. A good-night story about the difficulties of falling asleep and the charm of old things. Not always must be something brand new Nigel. Also an old toys can be of particular value when connects to an exciting story. Marita Junghans

Naked Lunch In Krefeld – Texts From The Body Soul

Gerry X & Heidi ad Hoc performance of a different kind already in the 80s went poete Maudit Gerry X at its borders and gave insight into what he calls his soul meat in a bizarre way. After a long silence has charismatic avant-garde artists with the new poetry anthology night sweats chants “and his novel Chomsky silence that broken and returned on the stage. Speaking candidly Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine told us the story. The eur440 language lovers should make a prebooking. In the Cafe in Krefeld bankruptcy is the Poete maudit from 20.30 night sweats songs read. The depths of human existence are lit to excess in lyrically expressive language. The word artist creates a wonder provoking atmosphere due to his performance. Taboos are broken human existence is blown up in the tension of the issues of trust/fear and love/death. Gerry is accompanied X by the poet Heidi ad Hoc.

Her lyrics can be self experiences take part in us, which are known, but hardly anyone dares to be so openly and clearly. The Author sprinkles salt into the wounds of the soul with its cascades of set of. Nothing may be left unspoken. Desperation, fear, love, but also hope – culminating in their texts to finally on the Zenit to look for possible ways out of hopelessness. The Embassy Heidi, ad HOCs is: you put your self, your fear and your passions. Who is blind to themselves is deprived of his freedom. Their debut band LilSchwarz appears in late summer 08 Culex Verlag.

The event naked lunch texts from the body soul bankruptcy, Issumer str. 8, 47809 Krefeld-Linn takes place at the eur440 from 20:30 at the Cafe. Open the location from 19:00, entrance is free. There is information, reading & auditions to the authors under and. Monika Bottcher by the Culex – Verlag