Sun Eyes

My eyes burn and are flushed. I always feel, that is a foreign body or sand in my eyes. I wake up breakfast room with taped lids and all the time my eyes are watering. Even after a good night my eyes feel tired. In a magazine, I read an article about dry eyes and the note, to consult at the earliest signs is an eye doctor. An appointment with the eye doctor brings dry eye diagnosis. Learn more at: BSA. This is not a worrying diagnosis, but the eye doctor thinks it’s a tedious thing.

I should probably better now the reasons deal with, to find the right remedy for my problem. To do so once the question arises, what is dry eye? Dry eyes are a disease of the eye surface. The eye is not sufficiently moistened, it suffers from a disorder of the wetting. There are two causes which can lead to dry eyes and although the tear ducts produce insufficient tears and the composition of the Tear film is disturbed. Trigger for dry eyes can be found often already in the environment and in everyday life. The air conditioning, heating and cigarette smoke include of course first and foremost.

However, many hours on the screen, ill-posed car fan, and insufficient lighting fuel dry eyes. Often, carriers suffer from dry eyes contact lenses. Here, it is important to maintain the contact lenses properly and apply. Often, you can find yourself some solutions to reduce the feeling of dryness and remedy various problems. It is best of course, if you can avoid the air conditioners. Also, you should emphasize a sufficient humidity, for example through a humidifier in the House or in the Office and on the heating set possibly wet towels in the bedrooms. Recommended is of course to avoid areas where there is smoking. Workplace is recommended to take a break during long work on the screen more often once and eye relaxation exercises perform. Sufficient light is very important especially at the workplace or at home in the reading area. In the future, I will pay attention to the correct setting of the fan in the car. Also a healthy nutrition and the consumption of at least 2 litres fluid a day is recommended. Because I have no contacts, the search spared me for new, oxygen permeable lenses. But a visit helps me in the optician, to find the suitable sunglasses with UV filters and sufficient sun protection. In future, I will protect my eyes at the sport against irritation due to Sun, wind, and dust with a special sports glasses.