Spanish Film

Six have been the awards obtained by the feature film also rain, directed by the also actress Iciar Bollain in prizes offered by the Circulo de Escritores Cinematograficos in cinemas Palafox in Madrid. In this way, and with a view to the upcoming 2011 Goya Awards, the film has become the undisputed favourite of the Spanish cinema. Despite not becoming with recognition for Best Actor, Luis Tosar ascended to the award that went to his rival and fellow profession, Javier Bardem this time. The actor was unable to collect her prize since he is currently in Los Angeles due to the recent birth of his son with the actress Penelope Cruz. Despite staying at the gates of the 2011 Oscar Awards nominations, Iciar Bollain feels proud and grateful to film writers that have given a boost to his last tape to get the Goya for best direction on February 13. The gala also gave names such as the Petra Martinez, as best Actress, and Miki Nadal (Burried (buried)) and Eva Santolaria (Heroes), for his roles as an actor and supporting actress.