Spanish City

Cusco a the Mundoo navel, as it is known to one of the most important tourist cities of Peru, both for its meaning in the past and present, is also one of the most visited cities in the world and one of the poorest. To know more about this subject visit Childrens Defense Fund. Despite its importance, little or nothing has been done by the indigenous people of Cusco, which have not yet been lifted out of poverty and ignorance and living long. While it is true that many families through tourism revenue they can get into Masomenos accommodated in the city, also there are many villages around the city, which has them so to speak almost forgotten. It is not unusual to see them working the streets of the city, trying to sell a candy for a tip in return. The problem is due in large part to the need for indigenous families and those that are not a priority that their children have an education for a better future but rather it is to spend every day and survive the best way possible . These children are mostly vernier with a high level of illiteracy and, as usually parents and family members. While in Cusco there are many organizations since Anios working to combat and cope with this reality, however it should be mentioned that not enough and give aid and who is always very good way, is not enough .

Aid organizations in Peru are mostly based from abroad from which it receives most of the aid. Apart from these large sized organizations aid, is also common to see small groups of tourists who mostly gathered by a school of Spanish in the city of Cusco organize activities help with these Nini. These groups of volunteers in Cusco (soziale Arbeit in Cusco) work mostly for a short time, which is the time that these tourists are in town, then it is temporary relief. Not only tourists are those who could help these villagers also close to the city that have better luck. Support for I mean not only economic aid, which reality is that in the end less aid, but rather a spiritual aid, aid to transmit the most valuable thing a man can have that never loses, The Knowledge!. Teaching is one of the noblest ways to show our solidarity and will always be welcome.