Some Legislative Acts

It was assumed that in the future in Russia must change GP GP practice and family physician. And here it is not a name change, but the essence of his work, improving professional skills, commitment and responsibility. A key figure in the reform of primary health care should be doctor, a well-prepared for clinical work, has mastered the specifics of the first and subsequent management of the patient who is able to provide urgent medical care and a multidisciplinary, specialist healthcare organizations, Management and Economics, as well as in legal and financial problems, which is responsible for providing medical care to all its etapah.V according to state qualification requirements for the profession, general practitioner and family physician must not only provide effective medical care to adults and children, to carry out basic diagnostic and treatment procedures, and methods to own the primary and secondary prevention develop and implement activities aimed at preserving and promoting the health of all family members. However, further development of general medical (family) practice at the regional level is still not found wide application in practical meditsine.Sleduyuschim who have not received the approval of the public, health care reform step taken by the Government, was the publication of the Federal Law August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the Invalidation of Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of federal laws" On Making amendments to the Federal Law "On general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation" and "On general principles organization of local government in the Russian Federation.'' Or, simply put – the Law of the replacement of benefits in kind into cash.