Safe Driving Tips On Road

Tips for drivers safe on the road to improve road safety and reduce the potential causes of accidents is very important to perform some periodic revisions to the vehicle that is driven, to a greater extent if you plan to travel on motorway or having to face long stretches. For that some revisions to various aspects of the car are necessary since prevention is very important to preserve security:-first and foremost there to check the condition of the tyres, its pressure can be controlled comfortably at a gas station. It is always necessary to review this aspect but to a greater extent if he is expected to carry more loads in the vehicle than usual. Once checked the pressure and that our car shoes don’t have any coup, will have to check the other components of the vehicle: the brakes, the level of the oil and power steering, brakes, antifreeze and windshield wiper fluids. -There is no forget to check the operation of all the lights and always have a reflective vest, the triangles in the event of accident and wheel replacement in perfect condition. -For those who carry loads on top of the vehicle will have to verify that they are installed correctly, since their presence can affect the car’s aerodynamics and fuel consumption. -Before starting should be verifying the documentation: proof of the validity of the insurance of cars, driving licence, identity card, favourable ITV report and the sticker and receipt of payment of the city tax of circulation.

-If you are travelling with animals, remember that neck will have to go loose through the cockpit, but always within a trasportin or properly tethered so that they don’t distract the driver and, in case of accident, for your safety and theirs. -The same precautions shall be taken clearly for all persons travelling with children, which will have to take a seat in his chair. The precautions are never too many in order to travel safely. Source: Press release sent by clickseguros.