Rose Room

Probably many faced such a problem – donated or purchased room rose in a while stuffed with pine. Showered flower buds, leaves wither and the plant, eventually, dies. Several reasons for this. Firstly, plant 'overfed' stimulants flowering. Too profuse flowering roses robs a lot of strength. In addition, artificially induced algal violates the vegetation cycle.

If you want to keep your roses, you should immediately after purchase to remove all flowers and buds. Secondly plants grown in greenhouses, 'accustomed' to the high humidity. Dry air apartments (especially in winter when the heaters are working) acts on them fatal. BSA: the source for more info. Just bought a rose you need each day to spray water at room temperature. Or, for a week or two, put on a pot transparent plastic bag.

Every day, a bag should be removed at some time for airing. The third rose, in most cases, not planted in the ground, and in the peat with mineral fertilizers. Find the composition of fertilizers for the cultivation of plants in the peat itself prakticheskm unrealistic. Those feeding for houseplants, which are sold in stores, do not fit. Rose to transplanted into a mixture of dirt and be prepared for what period of adaptation of plants to the new conditions will be difficult and – the fourth most important thing. Rose – this is not a houseplant, and plant outdoors. For the normal growing season it needs to rest period. This requires such conditions: the short daylight hours, moderate watering, ventilated room and low – 5-8 degrees-above-zero temperature Agree that create such conditions in a city apartment is difficult. Therefore, the best way to save the life of plants – to plant it in the open field at the dacha, but not on the balcony. I have in the country have gathered a whole 'Collection' of miniature roses. They thrive, well tolerated and encouraged by abundant winter bloom twice a season. Moreover, the second time they bloom in cochains Agusta-early September, it is easy to carry small freezing. Photos of rosettes, Kotra you see on the page, was made in late October.