Rio De Janeiro

Even though the argument of that the outlaws are only moving of address migrando for other mounts not pacified, does not serve as critical, because its places of origin are even abandoning, it is because it is giving to certain the policy is winning this battle against the power and domain of the traffic for the first time in the estria of the city of Rio De Janeiro. It is clearly that still it is little, the ideal would be that all the slum quarters were pacified, that the streets and sidewalk of asphalt were policed, that the number of homicides, robberies, roberies and too much delicts fell the numbers of a city of the largeness of Rio De Janeiro, but for this know that also a UPP in the proper policy would be necessary, another one for the politics well that uses the communities to angariar votes, other to police the entrepreneurs of the traffic, that they are that it really enriches the cost of and mainly a UPP for policing the society in its great majority, that only thinks about taking advantages the costs ofthe damage of others. The first step is being given, if it deserves repairs, that are facts, if contains electoral matrix, but it brings benefits to the society, all good, however most important of everything it will be the day where the boys of the mounts and slum quarters of Rio De Janeiro when initiating a trick of ' ' young man and bandido' ' , they fight to be the policeman and he does not stop being the outlaws as he was in our time of children. There yes we will be able to say that the work occasioned effect, that was valid the penalty at last and that the children of these ghettos from will have the same rights and easinesses there to become citizens as any child of asphalt. It takes that this day very does not delay to arrive and that very soon let us can cry out to the seven cantos that ' ' OUR HEROES STILL ARE OS MESMOS' ' Jorge Administrative Managing Milk