
In the first part (), we looked at some on the brink of a foul, the methods of recruitment used in a U.S. bank. Such as "recruitment poaching," "personnel raiding", "buy yourself a new job" "Employment without an interview," "mystery shopper-recruiter" and others …. All are based on the premise that: Recruiting in our time – a real "war for talent 'and appropriate weapons to be used (of course, intellectual, rather than fire ..:-). Poaching staff from competitors – a key tool of competition. This strategy of selection as a result has become one of the most aggressive and effective on the market.

Their motto: "If we constantly luring customers from other banks, why not do their best employees," then we will look at other features of such a strategy. The structure and priorities of the "aggressive" department Staff: As part of HR-department selected group of "internal direct search." The group specializes in finding talented leaders within the company: a network of branches across the country monitored and evaluated the results of staff of employees who have distinguished themselves encourage managers to move up the career ladder. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Brooke Harlow. The result: thousands of dollars saved on an external search and recruitment agency fees, the search is faster and efficiently. Forecasting and planning. Developed long-range plan needs talented employees in 6 months or more. It is based primarily on the career plans of its employees, as well as on growth forecast company. HR-department enters into a written agreement with internal customers, other departments and branches of the service quality and manner of interaction.