Profitable Business

To create and consolidate a profitable business on the Internet it is advisable to follow the following steps: 1. investigate and select a profitable market niche: for this purpose may be making an inquiry of keywords (Google adwords), a review in journals or electronic magazines or also using the free tool Google trends. The above in order to find unmet needs, niches with little competition or find topics that are fashionable. 2. Select a product to market and create an Irresistible offer.

Once niche is found, the next step is to select the product, which may have any of the following characteristics: to present a solution to a specific problem or to be a product in both sales and popularity growth. Then need to create the supply of the product for which you must have some of the following tools: autoresponder, Video tutorials on the use of products, pre-made sites, training questions and answers or support blog conferences. 3. Create a system of Prospecting and sales the next step in getting customers to the product which has passed through the following stages: first a visitor to our web site, then was a subscriber who wished to obtain additional information, which can be video or free reports and finally this person makes the decision to purchase the product becoming customer. To make this track a visitor up to become client is necessary to carry out a campaign with a series of messages through an autoresponder, to create the list of subscribers. 4 Create a traffic generation system to your system: here there are two options, with tools such as payment traffic: Google AdWords, Yahoo, MSN, Factbook or traffic payment making use of: placing classified ads, participate in blogs and forums, participate in question and answer sites (Yahoo Answers), create and post videos, create and publish articles, participate in social networks (FaceBook(, Twitter, MySpace, LinKedin, Squidoo, etc.), web positioning to achieve the first positions in search engines. 5. Create a complementary and cross-sales system. Taking advantage of the list of subscribers that you have, is not recommended lose contact with these subscribers to know their needs and through new e-mail campaigns can be offered them new products complementary to those previously offered.