Polygraph Use For Companies

The truth will be on the side of the company, of course, but from Is this legal service will be easier? In general, the polygraph – a convenient device that gives a good probability accuracy, but unfortunately not all and not always. Is it possible to get comparable results without using technical means? We think we can. Moreover, the proposed method should be used in combination – only then the result will be reliable and accurate. Each method of control reactions interlocutor is complemented by other methods and generally allows (and this is verified by our tests) to answer the question of pravdivostiprimerno in 95 percent of cases. And, as with the use of lie detector, based on the principle that a person has no control over their physiological responses.

We do not expect to make of the reader's professional immediately – you need training. But, hopefully, each day the results are getting better and better, more precise and more accurate. Here's where to start. Test first. Tracking reactions of the interlocutor. Probably everyone knows that people who speak the truth, and "stretching the truth" look different.

Perhaps a mother is able to determine when her child is lying or when he is frank. This happens once automatically. Sometimes in dealing with someone close to you, we can accurately "read the face" of his mood. But it's all intuition. We're talking about the approach, which claims to be scientific. At the same time, today released plenty of books about the poses interlocutors.