Physical Education Teams

ORGANIZATION, ESTRUTURAO AND FORMATION OF TEAMS OF FUTSAL IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. ROMERO, Cleine Mara Barbosa MIOTTI, Ivana Lamberti Maria SUMMARY This project is being carried through in the School of Average Education Prof Naura Teixeira Pine, located in the Quarter Is Jose in the city of Saint Maria? RS. It was created with the purpose to provide the organization, estruturao and the formation of teams of Futsal, for being this the practised precursory sport and more in the school. Also objective to identify talentos and to prepare the pupils to participate of the pertaining to school competitions as the OESM? Pertaining to school Olimpada of Saint Maria and the JERGS? Pertaining to school games of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul. Initially the participants from the groups of Physical Education of the Project of existing Porting Initiation already in the School had been selected.

The teams had been formed in accordance with the categories mirim, infantile and youthful in naipe masculine and youthful in naipe feminine. For the accomplishment of the activities a program was elaborated of training two times in the week, with duration 1h30min. each session. The developed activities had focused the training of beddings technician and tacticians, as well as the physical preparation and regulation. In elapsing of the training they had been carried through friendly it are of the school and matches intersries. As result of the carried through work can be evidenced the good performance and income presented for the teams in the competitions where they had participated, as well as the improvement of the qualities techniques and physics of the participants. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Futsal, Competitions, Team. 1ACADMICO () OF the COURSE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF the FAMES. 2ORIENTADORA PROF MS. OF the COURSE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF the FAMES.