Pedagogical Notebooks

This second experience is nominated To know of Land IV, for being the fourth experience of the Program in all the state of Pernambuco. This last experience is historical for the Social Movements, for taking a program of education of the field, for the young of an encampment of the MST. In accordance with the Pedagogical Notebooks of ProJovem Field – To know of the Land (2008), the objective program to foment the escolarizao of young agriculturists in the basic level of the basic education, integrated to the social and professional qualification. ' ' The Program will be developed by the state or municipal federate beings (…), in partnership and with the participation it accomplishes of Public Institutions of Education, not-governmental organizations and social movements of campo' ' (P. 17). The implementation of the Program if guides for the following ones estimated (BRAZIL, 2008): The education as right of the young of the field; The education of young in the EJA modality as constituent element of the public politics in the education systems; The education of young as strategy of reinforcement of the sustainable development with territorial approach; The escolarizao, the work and the social and professional qualification as right of the young of the field; The education as affirmation, recognition, valuation and legitimation of the differences cultural, ethnic-racias, of generation, sort, sexual and partner-ambient orientation; The existence of social citizens that possess projects proper pedagogical politicians and. The Program To know of the Land bases its curricular structure in a norteador axle: Familiar agriculture and Support, and in more five thematic axles: ) familiar, etnia agriculture, culture, identity, sort and generation; b) systems of production and processes of work in the field; c) citizenship, social organization and public politics; d) solidary economy; e) and sustainable and solidary development with territorial approach (to see figure: 02). FIGURE: 02 SOURCE: BRAZIL, 2008.