
Note * certain names are contradictory, so in this document are used the most common. The art of Kempo, also spelled Kenpo, is unique throughout history in two aspects: 1) is considered by many the first eclectic martial art, 2) its foundational roots are stretched backwards up to 520 B.c. The person who acted as a catalyst for the path of the Kempo was a Prince and Warrior of the South India named Bodhidharma. According to the records of Lo-Yang Temple, Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk under the tutelage of Prajnatara and thought that he was on his deathbed when Prajnatara asked Bodhidharma to travel to China since it believed that the principles of Buddhism there were in decline and that the knowledge of the Dhyana (the koans or paradoxes of zen) should be disseminated. It is believed that in 520 BC, during the Southern dynasties, Bodhidharma went into China and crossed northward path of the Kingdom of Wei where a meeting was held with Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty. This meeting was recorded thanks to they talked and discussed intensively on Buddhism and the Dhyana. Bodhidharma anyway not got that their words were heard the powerful Emperor and thus, embittered by this, he abandoned the Emperor’s Palace and travelled to the province of Honan where entered the Shaolin Temple and began the history of martial arts. The sadness of Bodhidharma grew when he entered the famous Shaolin Temple, if what counts Prajnatara is true. The monks were in a disastrous condition physical and mental due to the excessive amount of time they employed in meditating and little else. Many of them sometimes fell asleep when they meditaban, while others needed assistance in their basic needs as weakened as they were during a period of unknown time Bodhidharma meditated in a cave on the outskirts of the temple looking for a way to renew efforts in search of Buddha’s enlightenment, as well as to get the monks recoverd control of their lives.