One Memory

With this trick, not only read your texts, but learn the information really; One of the most common problems in learning is that the read information are forgotten very soon. Targeted reading breaks can be used to counteract this phenomenon. Perhaps check out Nieman Foundation for more information. It is often very laborious and time consuming to read information in long-term memory. Source: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . Straight after being read once barely 50 percent of the information in our memory are available. After two days, there are still 10 percent or nothing at all. With a targeted reading technology you can remember much longer but much more information: our memory works most effectively when it gets a moment to rest every three to five minutes. Regular reading breaks increase the likelihood of the information to get a memory level deeper. This article shows you how to effectively use such reading breaks.

“Too many read information out-competed them each other much helps a lot” is only useful in the area of reading, if You have a targeted reading strategy. The greater the learning material, you need to get in your head, the portions should be smaller to share it. Because the human memory has only a low storage capacity with the exception of the variants. After approximately three to five minutes the short-term memory is full and new incoming information displacing the previously learned. This can be compared to continue filling with water with a full bath.

The bathtub is not full, but the water already is being superseded by the incoming water. This is read as well. Our memory remembers the incoming information as that displaces the previously read. So, the goal must be to get the read information in long-term memory, before you read further. Reading pauses facilitate the flow of information in long-term memory to store information in the long term and to be able to rely on them, it is important that this in the Land long-term memory.