October Health

In March 2011 assessed the Stiftung Warentest thus for example, for the private health insurance rates are offered for a small contribution. These tariffs promise fully comprehensive insurance cover for little money. The testers of the Stiftung Warentest for the PKV 2011 are gone this promise on the ground and have reviewed both the price and the services of the tariffs. “Here showed that many so called cheap fares” are more likely to recommend less and it definitely pays off to accept a slightly higher contribution to avoid such high excesses in the event of illness. Stiftung Warentest takes private supplementary health insurance in the comparison of the Foundation were test 2011 because the private supplementary health insurance in the sector of car, also their offers under the microscope. These offers are usually legally insured in Claim taken, that the benefits of the statutory health insurance want to restock.

Because countless offers on the market can be used in this area and the variety for insurance layman is difficult to overlook, checks the Stiftung Warentest for the PKV 2011 also the supplementary health insurance and shows which rates are actually worthwhile. Many tests for the supplementary health insurance were carried out while not 2011, but already in 2010, are still valid. In October, for example, the Stiftung Warentest for the PKV tested outpatient add-on packages that promise the insurance benefits for Visual AIDS, dentures, as well as benefits for the practitioner. In May 2010, the dental insurance were subject to the test of Stiftung Warentest.