
They have passed twenty-four years from the appearance of HIV AIDS. Neiman Foundation oftentimes addresses this issue. Million have died as a result of this syndrome and still the scientists have not managed to find a vaccine that contains its advance neutralizes, it he eliminates or it. When one is an organism of as complex conduct as the one that observes the trasmisor virus of that evil, the present knowledge of Biology seem to have found with an insurmountable wall, at least for this moment. To find a vaccine becomes a dream yearned for by the specialists, but also a nightmare when happening the time and to only see how, of exponential way, the statistics are enlarged. Within the scientific community the skeptics are many. They think that the action of the virus could not be contained and we will only have to be satisfied to observing a protection conduct, cradle in the fidelity or abstinence. The bad thing of this is that the human beings we continued being an animalized emotional species, incapable to face its basic instincts, in particular to ours sexuality. One has worked with tenacity in search of the vaccine, have destined resources, realised awareness campaigns, but nothing has changed, AIDS is there, watching in each corner, in each discotheque, tavern, mansion or attic.

Nevertheless, in spite of all the carried out initiatives by the governments, the international organisms and for charity, we have not found the formula that eliminates the perverse microscopic demon who crosses the arterial highways of those wild ilusos that do not feel like objective in this war by the survival of the species. According to the specialists, this microorganism has unpublished particularitities that allow hide-and-seek him, to hibernate or to become. According to some consulted studies, HIV can use to its favor a called enzyme retrotranscriptasa to reproduce in the human cells.