
One of the main problems of practises of the medicine sales is of pharmacies are the self-medication, since it does not have orientation or any control the medicines are consumed by pure indication. In the City of Empress the medicine sales can be verified are of pharmacies in the most diverse places, as markets and boards of ambulant, these medicines are stored and vendidos without any criterion and orientation regarding its use, therefore it does not have responsible druggist, thus being able, to contribute for the increase of the risk of poisoning of people for the self-medication. This article has for objective to verify if the medicines that are being vendidos outside of pharmacies are obeying the current law, giving approach to the storage places, the types of medicines, the forms of sales, the dates of validity and the origin of vendidos medicines. METHODOLOGY In the accomplishment of this article, had been used the methodology that encloses bibliographical research of field/, with the elaboration of questionnaires directed to proprietors controlling of the respective establishments you deal as: mercantile, mercearias that commercialize the calls ' ' Medicines of Livres&#039 Sales; '. The elaboration of the cited questionnaire was made by means of the consensus of the elaborators of the article, whom they had looked to enclose subjective questions I deal to it of free medicine sales destined in its majority to the population of little purchasing power, aiming at to clarify the pertaining mechanisms and artifices to the fiscalization, storages, fracionamentos and exposition of medicines. The attainment of the data of the research was through the answers of the questionnaires directed to some traders for parts of the researchers that had left in pairs that if had directed it strategical points of the cities of Empress and some pertaining surrounding cities the tocantina region. This research is of explorativa character and qualitative, since the intention and the main focus of the researchers are the clarification of the indifference of the competent authorities to the fiscalization deal of it parallel of these medicines and the risk that for happiness comes to cause the health of the population badly clarified on the consumption and self-medication of these frmacos.