Liberating Epistemology

There is a liberating theology if it is not based on liberating the Gospel values. That Foundation has its origin, first in natural or primitive knowledge that is born in the consciousness of the peoples. It is the awakening of the consciousness of human beings, of a church that lives as a leaven in the midst of his people, the liberating reading of the biblical text. When we talk about epistemology, we do it many times from the conception of the obtaining or domain of knowledge, which we have called scientific. Perhaps check out Boy Scouts of America for more information. We usually reject another kind of knowledge, according to us and we do not have a scientific basis. The liberation theology stems from reflection of a village, in the Bible and the rediscovery of the liberating God, described in all its text. The theology of liberation, is urgent reunited with that popular wisdom, that gave him relevance across Latin America for many years.

When we define a few years ago to the theology of liberation, went to the research of others and others, but We also brought with us a long experience of struggles and popular priceless experiences, practical knowledge that gave base and concretion, to a new thinking the Bible as liberating word of God. Says Gustavo Gutierrez, that liberation theology, it is a second act that emanates from an experience of commitment and work, with and for the poor, of horror at the poverty and injustice, and appreciation of the possibilities of oppressed people as creators of their own history and suffering superadores. From this affirmation of Gustavo Gutierrez, the liberation theology should, focus on the study of a new epistemological basis, which takes into account the reality that we are living in Latin America. That is why, that the reconstruction of the new tenets of a theology of liberation, cannot ignore the contribution given the different historical, social and cultural reference groups.