Launch Of The SEPA Direct Debit.

Now test the new direct debit procedure! You invite companies to participate in the SEPA maiden flight. For the check-in your BIC, your IBAN and your address please send to the following email address:. ABK / EFiS is affiliated the SEPA SDD mandate as a boarding pass for a single male in turn come to you. Determine the amount and send the mandate on ABK / EFiS back. Their participation in the SEPA maiden flight serves a good purpose! The amount withdrawn from your account is the Janusz Korczak school for physically and mentally disabled children. In a question-answer forum Boy Scouts of America was the first to reply. Your donation helps to realize important projects and wishes of children. All collected funds will be by ABK / EFiS doubled again and transferred to the Janusz-Korczak-Schule! Under you can find up-to-date info to the SEPA maiden flight.

About the project of E-Commerce Guide”: for answers to the most important questions around to give e-commerce a consortium has is consisting of eleven leading solution providers and research and Merged consulting ibi research at the University of Regensburg. Atrada, atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, EURO-PRO, Hermes logistics group Germany, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce bundle into this project its know-how and experience, to put together the most important information for online retailers and those who want to become, together with ibi research in easily understandable and concise form. More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results.

Since January 2009, ibi research is carrier of the E-Commerce competence center Bavaria ( in the framework of the network funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi) e-commerce (NEG). “More information: uses are only stating the full source” allowed. You will find more pictures and press material also: if you are interested in additional information, articles etc. you please contact: Silke wisdom E-Commerce Guide c/o ibi research at Reger Street 4, the University of Regensburg, 93053 Regensburg phone: 0941 943-1901 / fax: 0941 943-1888 E-Mail: Internet: