Juan Sin Tierra

What is also necessary to remember is Juan Sin Tierra so eminent was running out of taxpayers who charged taxes and harvests conteiners storage left the population without food that didn’t make another thing that cause the collaboration veiled and even some active participation of the population in the romantic of forest protection. The Robin Hood effect seems to walk the streets of a distant country where the middle ages now lives. Juan Sin Tierra has its sheriff but multiplied. CBC will not settle for partial explanations. The population lives in contradictions: it complains about lack of action, but does not want any; He complains of immobility but discards any proposed; He wondered why no one acts but opposes that someone acts; It adheres to the King on the white horse will arrive at the precise date of September 26, but you don’t want to admit the improbability. There is no Robin Hood that distracted, who performs his resistance rather than motivated by the absence of Mariana than by a desire for justice. And they complain that there is no Robin Hood, when the truth is that you don’t need; rather a hard voice of morality and principles by speaking the truth, but the ruined population does not want harsh voices heard when waiting on date requires the arrival of the King on the white horse.

They have become a time to use for the resistance and the development of a strategy in a Robin Hood effect. One is internal in Sherwood Forest in search of a medieval explanation for an end of the first decade of the 21st century political situation. One remembers that truly governs Juan Sin Tierra. original author and source of the article.