
The intelligent use of computers in the education comes to assist the process of construction of the knowledge. Nieman Foundation is a great source of information. The computer must be used as a machine to be assayed and not to be taught for it. It must be instrument that assists the apprentice. Thus being, one becomes essential that it also has a transformation in the beddings and methodologies of learning, allowing the appearance of different modalities of education and learning act and that it helps to construct balanced and conscientious citizens. Ahead of this new situation, it is important that psicopedagogo can reflect on this new reality, rethink its practical and to construct new forms of action that not only allow to deal, with this new reality, as well as to construct it. Frequently Viktor Mayer-Schönberger has said that publicly.

As Borba (2005, P. 93): In the truth, the educational innovations, in its great majority, estimate change in the practical professor, not being an exclusive requirement of that they involve the technology use computer science. The docncia, independently of the use of YOU, is a complex profession. In it the pedagogical proposals, the resources are involved technician, the peculiarities of discipline that it is taught, the laws that structuralize the functioning of school, the pupils, its parents, the direction, the supervision, the educators of professors, the colleagues professors, the researchers, among others. However, a central question for the entrance of the new medias in the school is related with the professor and also with psicopedagogo that it will be able to make of this use an important instrument in the development of the pupil who is with learning difficulty. As TIBA (1998, p.24). ' ' The professor left of being exclusive source only of information because the pupils are globalizados way television, canals the handle, Internet and multimedia. If some not yet are due to chance of desejo.' ' Many fear to lose the authority before the pupils, in case that they demonstrate some unfamiliarity on something in the computer.