Internal Affairs

In New Zealand, same-sex couples the opportunity to enter into a formal alliance, which, although not called marriage, performed in the presence of an official and recognized by the state as an institutionalized partnership. The partners have concluded an alliance receive an official certificate, certified by the seal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of New Zealand. The law "On civil partnerships" as closer in meaning and significance civil unions to marriage. Couples who enter into civil unions, may choose at its discretion, place and type of ceremony, to write any vows. If you are not convinced, visit Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . source of information. Conclude a civil union is as simple as an official marriage – it can to any adult person who is not married or in another official civil union. To register the partnership must get a license. The license is issued at least 3 days prior to the ceremony and requires personal the presence of one of the partners. The ceremony takes place in the presence of at least two witnesses, so if you want to share my happiness with the couple's closest friends – invite them to travel. If you are closer to full privacy, we will give witness to your ceremony.