
The collection of information and material of reference. The information is the spine of its installation soon of being successful. You must congregate documents of the vehicle with the specific colors of the wiring, places and polarities. These graphs are available in a infinity of places, in general gratuitously. You can locate these information in the manual of the motion of the store, in the concessionaire of the motorcycle, or possibly on-line. Planning the installation of the alarm. Its plan will be the difference between a finished product and left a work for the following week.

To few minutes of the planning and to prepare will give at least one hour and stocking to little time of installation. It is not amused, but it needs to be made! The side with its project of alarm installation starts studying side of its motorcycle specific diagram motion. You identify to which characteristics that plan to use the alarm, nor all the resources are necessary. (For example, imobilizador of the engine, has pulled out to distance) Preparation of the wiring. Before installing, it is certifyd that it disconnect the terminal – negative of the battery of the motorcycle ().

This will go to eliminate the possibility of accidental short-circuits and/or unnecessary draining of the battery. After identifying to which resources you will go to install, to eliminate wires not used, will have yourself, to prevent the clutter. He is practical common to twist wires of one same fiche, after that, to fix them together one to the other with black isolating ribbon. He all does not roll the package, as wires different to go for different places. When you to finish to involve all the harnesses, to record them ones to the others to create a great pigtail contend all the used wires. This keeps together wires, free insurance and of lints and blockage.