How To Overcome Bad Times

CONSTALLATION family therapy my NATURAL world in research on alternative therapies begins with the need to eliminate childhood trauma of different kinds, which hindered my day to day and how? Since insurmountable fears affecting any work, personal relationships, or social relations being all these fruitless, where one does not have total awareness of the problem, so not to be aware of all your limitations not can put you solutions. My background in the world of alternative or natural therapies begins with constallation family therapies and counting with my restless spirit I access such therapy. Of that treat the family costelacines? The words the most summary possible viewing from outside through representatives, relationships with your family father, mother, brothers, etc. Bearing in mind that for this type of therapy is very important to be reconciled with traumatic past events and more even with your father and mother in order to have a fruitful life. The creator of this type of therapies is Bert Hellinguer. How can it impact on your life? Looking from outside their own problems and for the energetic forces that occur in each constellation therapy get you pass those fears that you block and in cases of family disputes are corrected, this implies the dissipation of all your fears and traumas subreal explained this way this may seem but the truth is that it works and that is what matters, in my case only two cost 50 sessions were each session which gives a result of 100, this is what find me most impressive I know cases of people who has spent years going to consultations and leaving a fortune, I want to make it clear that I am not constallation, only share experiences nearby therapist. How do I began to investigate in this type of therapy? Checking the results of cases I know very close to me, including myself and great personal enrichment that I contributed, I wanted to go ahead with workshops and totally natural therapies, techniques of What mode? When I feel stressed I look in my locality associated workshops to eliminate stress, when blocking me in some new aspect in my life that not solve I attend as a representative in the constallation workshops and checking my own achievements I commend to all people, so I think my blog in order to orient all you want in your questions and because at the time that I needed them no I found them and I wanted to being pioneer in it where already many of us carry out monitoring of this type of therapies and other very useful for our day to day. Things that can solve the constallation? -FAMILY conflicts – Money problems–trauma – couple problems – problems with children – aid on projects for business – health – ETC.