Hardly Any Problems With Backpackers

Every car driver knows it, but not everyone takes her: hitchhikers. Whether on the edge of the road or motorway service areas almost everywhere you meet people who hope for carpooling. Of whether they willingly take hitchhikers or so have had only bad experiences tell car community autoki.de members. The phenomenon of hitchhiking seems to have gone back in recent years. Among others websites save many for little money like Mitfahrgelegenheit.de, having to hold up the thumb on the road.

“The most autoki members have had only positive experiences with Anhaltern and tell how they themselves also always used the thumb taxi taken” have. Whether at the bar or on the mountain top: saved was always. In memory of Hitchhiker experience, the majority of the members of the autoki is willing to help others. If I see a Hitchhiker today I take like him or her, because I was previously too happy if someone took me”, writes Toyota driver BadMax79. autoki member of Mephistopheles However, more than just a niceness sees in take by backpackers. To take hitchhikers witness of enlightened and progressive. He remembers how the BVG increased their prices and have glued many motorists of action buttons on their cars and took people at bus stops. “.” For him, the Hitchhiker ride is a very meaningful political protest against the outrageous rail rates and also can get to know this very nice people.

By using the take and standing of uses can be read here: ../tramper-nehmt-ihr-sie-mit media contact: Catherine top Arkus, Tel. (0163) 297 3228 or (030) 24 08 31 96, E-Mail: press (at) autoki.com, autoki Ltd., disability str. 34, 10115 Berlin via autoki.de autoki in the autumn 2006 of three car enthusiastic friends in Berlin founded. Their aim: to establish a cross-brand community of car enthusiasts. In early May 2007 he started for each accessible official beta test. autoki.com has a four-digit since its launch in April 2007 Member number reached. Trafficvolumen and number of members get weekly at a nearly double-digit percentage rate. autoki.com is the experienced Internet investors Lukasz Gadowski (Spreadshirt, StudiVZ) and Christophe Maire (Nokia Gate 5) funding. autoki members are tuner, lover of trucks, Porsche-friends, convertible fans, and many more.