Greatest Limitation

As far as your area come more weak will allow. Read it again: as far as your area get more weak allows you. Do you want to know where is going to reach your success? It is very easy: identify your weakest area. You have a set of skills that get much more of what you propose. There are efforts that you like to do, but others not so much. And it matches that which you don’t like are the hardest for you.

As well: those are the activities that will decide your growth. Do you have solution? Of course Yes. The secret is to dare with what you don’t like. You will not only break the invisible barriers that limit you, but that you will become a specialist in this work that most flees. What limit you? I had a colleague who was very good doing your job.

Always brought new ideas to sell more, I knew that internal processes to improve to save money for the company and presented excellent reports. He seemed to have it all to succeed. But the reality is he never to improve your salary, or to ascend. Then it did everything to succeed? Yet. Limited you your weakest point. It lacked well sell your ideas to colleagues and bosses so that they implement their improvements. His bottleneck was convince the rest about the benefits of his proposals. But he was not socially skilled and his shyness isolated him. Unable to convey the advantages of their plans, nobody could recognize its worth. A pity for someone so competent. You see that you will arrive only to extent permitted your weakest point. Where this yours? As ending with Tu all weak point we have our weaknesses. When you find yours, you may have noticed the main step and the most difficult. Now you’ll already know that area attack.