
In particular, I am always adding people I know or think to know, and often accept invitations from people I don’t even know because I think that maybe I know somewhere. Then, the problem is that among my friends (of Facebook) there are people who even know, at the same time, there are people that I know but I don’t have much esteem, and I simply accepted their invitation not to fall heavy.Then, the solution is as follows. Must go to the tab of friends, and in the upper left side there is an option that says create friends list. There you click that option where the system will ask for the name that you want to place the list. In particular, I put family, but in that list joined both family members how to my best friends and acquaintances, which, I am sure that they (counterfeiters do not) and also are people who wish to view my photos. Nieman Lab is likely to increase your knowledge.

Once entered the name, Facebook I will ask you to enter people who I want to be on that list. That I again and again, they are known people whom I have sufficient confidence to show you my photos.Once created the Group should enter in each one of the albums of photos and video that we created, and go to 1) Edit album, 2) configuration, 3) place that this album will see just some friends, 4) Facebook will open a text box where one enters the name of those friends who will see the photos, in which one will introduce the name of the list created, in my case: family. In conclusion, my photo albums are going to see, only some friends and that are included in my list created for the purpose. M.S. Felix Gonzalez j. WebSite: mail original author and source of the article