Gabrielle Scharnitzky

World AIDS Day campaign by forget AIDS not e.V. Forget the Berlin Club AIDS opts not e.V. Alexander Becht, Ross Anthony, Colin Fernandes, Nova Meierhenrich enlightenment instead of displacement, Kerstin Linnartz, Jochen Schropp, Vera int Veen, Karolin Peiter, Jo Halbig, Mimi Kraus and Gabrielle Scharnitzky are the celebrity testimonials the new AIDS awareness campaign of the Berlin society forget AIDS not e.V. on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2010. The 11 stars appeal in different TV spots and posters, sex condoms to use, because these are still the safest protection against infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. Due to the careless handling of the topic of HIV/AIDS, approximately 3,000 people infected annually with HIV in Germany. With the campaign of the Association the topic will not be forgotten, but she emphasizes the necessary reconnaissance under the motto “Education rather than displacement!” awareness about HIV and AIDS must be intensified, increasing the protection behavior. AIDS is not curable, but only treatable.

The new campaign of the Association AIDS forget not e.V. focuses on education. I am delighted that many celebrities who specifically support this campaign with their full and ambitious commitment,”as Jan Schwertner, Board member of the AIDS forget not e.V. As of the end of September the TV spots on television and also on the site are. To broadcast print ads are paralleled in addition.

Many TV stations supporting the campaign for World AIDS Day 2010 of the Club forget AIDS not e.V. with the free broadcast of the TV spots. Remains at a high level, the number of new HIV infections in Germany remains new HIV infections in Germany unchanged high. Therefore new infections were reported 2856 the Institute with the Aidserreger HIV in 2009. They were about as many as in the previous year (2843). Since 2001, the number of registered HIV infections has increased continuously. Among other things an increasing carelessness in some risk groups, as well as an increase of syphilis, which favours an HIV infection are considered causes Press contact: Forget about AIDS not e.V. Jan Schwertner 030-221 922 890