Fundacion Museo Picasso Malaga

Today Picasso is presented as a historic day for the Picasso Museum of Malaga (MPM), which featured for the first time in its seven years of life two temporary exhibitions at the same time establishing. Through the camera of David Douglas Duncan and bullets in front-, has finished as the Rosary of the aurora. Daughter-in-law of Picasso and President of honour of the Fundacion Museo Picasso Malaga, Christine Ruiz-Picasso, has refused to open the exhibition bullets to the front, which revolves around the series of etchings by the artist dream and lie of Franco (1937) two plates with artwork against the military uprising of July 1936, aimed at obtaining funds for the Republican cause with the sale of the prints in the Pavilion of the Republic at the international exhibition of Paris – and which comprise also other hundred of works by different artists that reflect the concern and commitment of these creators from violence arising from armed conflicts. Source of the news:: daughter-in-law of Picasso refuses to inaugurate a sample of the Civil War.